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hanna_rep_120Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna (R, C, I-Barneveld) Monday released the following statement about the Budget Control Act of 2011:

“Defaulting on our debt has never been an option. Those who aren’t voting for thoughtful change are voting for failure.

“I am pleased that both sides came together to responsibly raise the debt ceiling and, for the first time in history, cut government spending at the same time. I stated publicly months ago that it is necessary to raise the debt ceiling, but it should be accompanied by spending reforms to put our nation on a path to long-term fiscal responsibility.

“Importantly, this bipartisan legislation does not include cuts for Social Security or Medicare beneficiaries. This agreement doesn’t cut veterans benefits or pay for our men and women in the military.  It protects the most vulnerable among us.

“This is a historic day for taxpayers. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reports that this bill will save more than $2 trillion dollars. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle can agree with this legislation, though it’s not perfect.

“This nation was founded on compromise.  Americans have always worked to take the best ideas – wherever they come from – and move forward.  This bill represents this principle.  Both sides came together with a plan—not for the good of either political party—but for the good of the American people.

“What our nation needs to focus on is growing jobs and growing the economy. This legislation is a big step in the right direction.  We are putting our nation on a long-term path to fiscal solvency starting today.”

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