- By Tom M. Paolangeli
- News

Links to maps of the new sites can be found on the homepage of the Tompkins County Board of Elections. Voters can then access maps that allow them to print out exact directions to their poll site. Voters at other poll sites can also get maps and directions by following the links "For Voters" and then "Where Do I Vote?"
The following changes start with the September 13th Primary:
City of Ithaca voters in Ward 1, District 1 and 2 who previously went to Chemung Canal Trust Company will now vote at the Lehman Alternative School, 111 Chestnut Street.
City of Ithaca Second Ward voters, Districts 1 and 3, who previously voted at Lifelong, will now go to GIAC, 301 W. Court St.
All Enfield voters, who previously went to the Enfield Elementary School, now go to the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, 172 Enfield Main Rd.
Voters in Ulysses District 2, who voted at Jacksonville United Methodist Church, now go to West Hill Community Church, 3049 VanDorn Corners Rd.
The Town of Lansing does not have a Primary, but for the November 8th General Election Lansing District 5 and 7, who went to the Crash Fire and Rescue Building, will now go to the Ithaca Reform Temple, 2550 N. Triphammer Rd.