- By Marcia E. Lynch
- News

Presenting were Tompkins County Area Development, County Administration, Tompkins Community Action, Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, the Highway Division, Tompkins County Public Library, and the Health Department, and Legislators were also briefed on budget for the County’s Capital Program.
Among the highlights of the’s presentations:
Highway Division: Along with Highway Manager Bill Sczesny, Administrator Joe Mareane cautioned Legislators the 2012 highway budget will be “very lean and the pavement program will be diminished,” adding that one of the primary effects of the property tax cap would be its effect on the County’s highway maintenance program. Even with increases for paving he recommends above the cap, Mareane said the County will be about $100,000 short of this year’s level. Sczesny noted the costs of equipment and fuel are both up significantly, placing continued pressure on his budget.
Health Department: Director Frank Kruppa said careful examination by staff, analyzing trends and program work, has enabled his department to project savings of about $500,000 for the mandated Children With Special Care Needs program. In part, Kruppa said, the research shows “prevention is working,” with early intervention resulting in decreased service needs for older children. A new contract arrangement with the Ithaca City School District is also significantly reducing program transportation costs. The Administrator recommends nearly $65,000 in over target spending to increase the workweek for employees in that division, rather than hiring additional staff to handle increased workload. And he includes more than $400,000 in one time funding (which does not affect the tax levy) as back-up to operate the department’s Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA), pending sale of the agency, an amount expected to be replenished through sale proceeds.
Tompkins County Public Library: Director Susan Currie told Legislators she is “astounded at use of the Library and how much the demand for services is increasing, but said she is mindful of the County’s budget constraints. Among other recommendations, the Administrator’s budget provides more than $100,000 in over target funding, within the tax cap, needed to meet State maintenance-of-effort requirements, but does not support an above-cap request to fully fund staffing for Sunday hours. Under the recommended budget, the Library would not be able to be open on about one-third of Sundays during the year.
County Administration: As part of the department’s recommended budget, the Deputy County Administrator would be returned to full-time status, to administer what County Administrator Mareane called “high level, high consequence” special projects,” as well as providing internal consulting on performance management for County departments, and executive accountability to implement the County’s diversity and inclusion plan.
Capital and Debt Service: Administrator Mareane told Legislators the recommended Capital and Debt Service budget for 2012 would rise 1.3% to $5.3 million, with funds identified for potential new debt-supported initiatives including two bridge projects, renovation of the Human Services Annex, relocation of the Community Justice Center, and work toward a Center of Government project—any project needs Legislature authorization to proceed.
The Expanded Budget Committee has recessed until Tuesday, September 27, when ten more presentations are scheduled. The Legislature also will listen to public comment on the budget at its annual Community Budget Forum on Monday, September 26, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Borg Warner Room of the Public Library, 101 E. Green Street, Ithaca.