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Newly elected Lansing Fire Commissioner Darrell A. Rhodes was welcomed by fellow commissioners at the first meeting of 2012 Tuesday.  After an organizational meeting the new commission heard reports on capital projects that enlarge Central Station and will replace Station 5.

firecommishesFire Commissioners left to right: Darrell A Rhodes, Alvin Parker, Larry Creighton, Robert Wagner, Jeffery Walters

Construction on the Central Station addition will be completed this month.  Commissioner Jeff Walters reported contractors hope to be done January 6th, but he said it looks like there is enough work that it won't actually be completed before the end of January.  He said the new rooms are complete, doors are to be installed this week, and sprinklers have yet to be hooked up.  A floor also needs to be installed.  Otherwise he said a list of minor details is to be completed.

Originally commissioners talked about modification to the old bunk rooms to create more office space and possibly a commission meeting room.  That part of the project has been put off because replacing Station 5 in the Village of Lansing became a priority at the end of last year, sooner than anticipated, when an inspection found the building irreparably deteriorated. 

Construction fence will be erected next week  and department officials will be removing radios, kitchen appliances, and equipment from the Oakcrest Road station this week to prepare for the building's demolition the week of January 16th. 

Chief Scott Purcell reported that Lansing emergency responders fielded 1004 calls in 2011, including fire and EMS calls.

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