- By Dan Veaner
- News
"If we take the dollar and one cent tax rate, it is again the lowest in New York State," Hartill said. "For a village that provides all the services we provide."
The Village expects about $17,000 in revenue from about ten PILOT agreements, mostly for properties within the Cornell Business and Technology Park. The largest revenue stream comes from sales tax, estimated at $600,000 next year. About $28,000 will come from the Village's cable franchise, and about $156,000 will be drawn from the Village capital reserves fund.
One of the largest expenses in the comping year will be the installation of a new traffic light at the intersection of Triphammer and Craft Roads. Hartill says that will cost $150K or less, and said private individual will pay a good portion of that. Another $50,000 will be needed to construct a right turn lane for traffic turning north onto Triphammer from Craft Road. Superintendent of Public Works John Courtney says that 150 cars were counted going into Craft Road in the morning peak driving time, and about the same number was counted leaving in the evening.
Hartill says that a new Village Hall will go out for bid shortly. The project was put on hold at the end of last year when bids came in too high. Hartill says the new plan will make construction simpler because none will be done during winter months.
"The Village is in very good shape financially," Hartill said. "We are able to pay our bills, keep the water running and the sewer flowing in the right place. And no potholes."