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cp_120Chris Pettograsso was appointed Superintendent of the Lansing Central School District Monday in a unanimous vote of the Board of Education.  Pettograsso has been serving as Acting Superintendent since Stephen Grimm resigned last summer.  The school board has put her through a rigorous evaluation process during which she met with faculty and staff as well as members of the community at large.

"I appreciate all your support," she told the board  after the 6-0 vote.  "I look forward to our future collaboration."

Pettograsso was promoted from her position as Lansing Elementary School Principal, which she served as from 2007 through the end of last summer.  Her new status begins May 1, and extends for an initial term of three years and two months.

cp_withboard400School Board members (left to right) Aziza Benson, Glenn Swanson, David Dittman, Tom Robinson, Superintendent Chris Pettograsso, Julie Boles (Christine Iacobucci not pictured)

Originally from Albany, Pettograsso earned a BA in Sociology at Ithaca College, then a Masters Degree in Reading Education from Elmira College.  She earned a Certificate of Advanced Study in School District Administration from SUNY Cortland.  Before coming to Lansing she spent much of her career in the Watkins Glenn school system as a coach and elementary school reading teacher, and then as an Interim Middle School Principal for a year and two years as Curriculum and Instruction Director.

This year Pettograsso enrolled her two young children in Lansing's kindergarten and first grade.  Her family is currently looking for a home in Lansing.  Christine Rebera continues to serve as Acting Elementary School Principal.

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