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mikesigler2013_120Tompkins County Legislature Candidate Mike Sigler, from the Town of Lansing, introduced a resolution Tuesday for the Legislature to support converting the coal-powered Cayuga Power Plant to natural gas.  His is the first resolution calling on the legislature to support the conversion and keep the plant open.

“This is the top agenda item for so many voters in Lansing,” Sigler said.  "It was time someone came forward with a resolution the Legislature could get behind."

The resolution is a mirror to one that passed the Lansing Town Board in July.

“I didn’t think we had to reinvent the wheel.  This resolution received bipartisan support at the town level and I expect it to garner bipartisan support at the county legislature,” said Sigler.

The power plant is the largest taxpayer in Lansing and the recent meeting at the Lansing Middle School brought in more than 800 people. “I’ve never seen that many people at a meeting for anything in the county.  Keeping the plant open, converting it to natural gas, has the support of the schools, unions, Lansing taxpayers and local officials.  It’s time to get the county on the record.”

Sigler has supported the repowering of the plant with natural gas since he announced his candidacy.

“I talked to a lot of residents and continue to do that; there are very few people in the town who don’t want this repowering.”

Reportedly Legislator Brian Robison will ask for action on the resolution at the next Legislature meeting.

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