- By Marcia E. Lynch
- News

The work group report recommends, in part that County “target” support for the Library increase by at least $100,000 for each of the next three years, that the Library spend down all but $75,000 of its reserves over the next two years to support operating expenses, and that the County appropriate County reserves to close the remaining budget gap—this strategy to provide short-term support while the Library develops a long-term fiscal strategy to achieve a sustainable revenue structure.
With a 15% reduction in staff over the past four years, the work group concluded further personnel reductions cannot be made without hurting service and program, and identified the County as the only significant source of short-term funding.
In response to legislator questions regarding what it would mean for the Legislature to 'adopt' the report, Administrator Mareane advised it communicates a strong endorsement of the findings and recommendations, but does not commit to allocating funds, decisions that will be part of the 2014 budget process.