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robertson120Martha Roberston (D) tomreed_120Tom Reed (R)Republicans and Democrats are turning up the heat in the race for the 23rd Congressional District.  Tompkins County Legislature Chair Martha Robertson (D) is challenging Tom Reed (R), who is hoping to win a third term in Washington in November.  Robertson opponents question her morality in allowing a campaign fund-raiser hosted by a convicted child molester.  At the same time Reed opponents are focusing on allegations that he paid property taxes with campaign funds, and say Reed admitted to paying his personal property taxes late 38 times since 2005.

“Today we filed two complaints with federal officials requesting that they investigate Congressman Tom Reed’s illegal use of campaign funds to pay his personal property taxes.  Congressman Reed’s completely inappropriate use of campaign funds needs to be investigated and we hope the House Ethics Committee and the Federal Elections Commission will get to the bottom of this extremely concerning situation," said Ontario County Democratic Committee Chairman John F. Hurley Monday. "No excuses or apologies can change the fact that Members of Congress have an ethical responsibility and legal obligation to keep their personal funds separate from their campaign funds and Congressman Reed violated these rules.  Congressman Reed’s conduct has repeatedly proven that he can’t be trusted and I hope that a federal investigation will provide the voters some answers and clarity about what happened.”

A 'Tom Reed for Congress' spokesman says Robertson supporter Peter Yarrow, of the popular folk singing group 'Peter, Paul and Mary', went to jail for molesting a 14 year old girl in 1970.  They have called on Robertson to cancel the event.

“It is telling that while Congressman Tom Reed is co-sponsoring the bipartisan Missing Children’s Assistance Act, his opponent Martha Robertson is having a convicted child molester headline her kickoff fundraiser," says National Republican Congressional Committee Spokesman Ian Prior.  "If Robertson had any sense of morality, she would have cancelled her fundraiser the minute she found out that Peter Yarrow had molested a 14-year old girl. Robertson’s actions here speak volumes – she will not hesitate to put money before morals.”

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