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posticon Comprehensive Plan Committee Dissolved

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Comprehensive Plan RevisionLansing's comprehensive plan revision reached a milestone last week when the Town Board dissolved the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee with thanks for a job well done.  The Board acknowledged committee members' service after the committee submitted its final draft September 14th.  That draft took comments made in an August public hearing and written comments into account.

"After some discussion at our meeting I asked for approval or disapproval," Comprehensive Plan Update Committee Chair Connie Wilcox told the Board.  "I took a roll call vote, and it was 10 to 2 to accept the plan as it is written.  That doesn’t mean it will stay as it is, because the Planning Board is looking at it.  The Town Board will look at it.  There may be some amendments.  Mike (Town Planning Consultant Michael Long) and I will continue to work together."

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posticon Reed Calls for Justice for Terrorism Victims

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capitalbuilding 120In the wake of weekend terrorist bombings in New York City, Tom Reed renewed his calls for an end to political correctness when combating terrorism on U.S. soil.

"We care about keeping Americans safe and will not bow to politically correct culture. It's imperative that our leaders recognize terrorism for the danger that it is and refuse to tip-toe around the issue," said Reed. "It's only right to put American security above everything else."

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc leg120Legislature Approves Comprehensive Title VI Policy
The Legislature approved amendments to County policy reaffirming the commitment of County government to serve all persons without discrimination, and in compliance with requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin.  Title VI applies to all recipients of federal funding; as a recipient of federal funds, Tompkins County is required to have a Title VI program.

"For clarification, this policy, which addresses our 'commitment to serving the public without discrimination,' is not new.  The policy was established in 1993," Deputy County Administrator Paula Younger, the County's Compliance Officer, told the Legislature.  "Regulatory requirements have changed since then, as well as directives on how we demonstrate Title VI compliance specifically, so the policy has been updated to meet those requirements."  The contents of the policy and the complementary program document have been well researched, meet best practice in Title VI implementation, and model recommendations by regulatory authorities, she said.

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posticon Neighbors Decry Village Rezoning Proposal

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Village of LansingThe Village of Lansing Hall was filled to capacity Monday as Trustees considered whether or not to begin a process that may change the zoning of a parcel on Bomax Road from a Business and technology district to High Density Residential zoning.  Over 50 residents crowded into the meeting room, and nearly 20 addressed the board, most in opposition to rezoning the property that is near their neighborhoods.

The proposal was prompted by a proposed 140-apartment project that Park Grove Realty, LLC has proposed for the property that is between residential neighborhoods developed by the late Ivar Jonson and his wife Janet (IJ Construction of Ithaca) and the business/technology zone that includes the Cornell Business and technology Park by the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport.

"If this was in your neighborhood, how would you feel?" demanded Lisa Bonniwell, Ivar and Janet's daughter.  "If you just bought a beautiful home and now they're considering putting an apartment complex a half mile away?  It is personal.  It's personal to each and everyone here.  That's why we are here, because this is something that should not happen."

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posticon County Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories Completed

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smokeThe Tompkins County Planning Department has completed its 2014 inventories of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use by the Tompkins County community and Tompkins County government operations.

The Tompkins County Planning Department presented the Legislature with results of its 2014 inventories of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use by the Tompkins County community and Tompkins County government operations.

Results from the Community Inventory, accounting for all GHG emissions from within Tompkins County, show a 21% reduction in emissions between 2008 and 2014, and a reduction in emissions for County government operations of 53% over the same period—both achievements greater than the Legislature's 20% reduction goal.  The 2014 inventory also showed that renewable energy generation in the county during that time increased by 136%.

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posticon Bus Driver Shortage Curtails School Activities

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Lansing School BusThis summer the local news was all about a potential water shortage.  But another shortage has plagued the Lansing schools, surrounding districts, and, indeed, the nation.  There is a school bus driver shortage that has already forced program cancelations and threatens to curtail more.  While the Lansing district has not been unable to get kids to and from school in regular bus runs, the shortage has impacted extra-curricular activities such as sports and field trips that require transportation.

"When we can't man all the buses athletic and outside trips have to be rescheduled or cancelled," says Lansing's Transportation Supervisor Roger Dedrick.  "We once were able to cut an elementary route and place the students on other routes, so we were able to cover the missing bus.  At the time ridership was low on that route due to parent transport and it wasn't a hardship for any of the students or parents.  We limit the athletic programs to 3 buses per school day if we have enough personnel.  There are numerous academic trips during the year which overlap into the pm bus time. These have caused us to change athletic departure times or caused cancellations on occasion."

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posticon Hunting License? Taxes? Charge It!

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Lansing Accepts Credit CardsLast month Lansing added credit card payments to its options for paying for licenses, fees and taxes.  Town Clerk Deborah Munson says people have quickly embraced the option, paying for DEC licenses, dog licenses, and a marriage license. 

"I am really excited about this credit card thing," she says.  "We started taking them the day after the last Town Board meeting.  We’ve done a credit card transaction pretty much every day since then.  I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but we never took credit cards before.  People don’t seem to mind paying the small convenience fee.  Today we’ve taken two of them."

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posticon Reed Supports Sexual Assault Survivor Bill

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capitalbuilding 120Congressman Tom Reed offered support for a new bill, the Survivor's Bill of Rights Act of 2016.  The proposal adds numerous protections for sexual assault victims, including ensuring that rape examinations are provided to victims in federal rape cases at no charge.

"We care about the victims of sexual assault," said Reed. "It's only right that we stand with these victims by encouraging them to come forward and providing them with the resources and compassion they need to recover."

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posticon Administrator Releases 2017 Recommended County Budget

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tc tompkinscourthouse120Tompkins County Administrator Joe Mareane has delivered to the County Legislature a 2017 Recommended County Budget.  The budget proposes modest spending growth of less than one percent, stability in current programs, and the alignment of resources with priorities that include adaptation to climate change, reductions of the County's jail population, regulatory compliance, and a diverse, well-trained, motivated workforce.

The Recommended Budget supports total expenditures of $173 million (an increase of 0.8%) and local dollar spending of $84.7 million (an increase of 0.9%).  It meets the Legislature's 2017 budget goal of a 3% increase in the County property tax levy.  Due to a substantial 4.5% increase in the county's tax base, which spreads the cost of government across a larger base, the budget contains a property tax rate that will go down in 2017—from $6.73 per $1,000 to $6.63 per $1,000—a reduction of 1.5%.  This is the third consecutive year that the tax rate has decreased, and is the lowest rate since 2011.  Under the Recommended Budget, the County property tax bill for the owner of a median-valued $175,000 home would increase by $16.

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc leg120Legislature Requests Local Public Hearing on Pipeline Project
The Legislature, by unanimous vote, requested that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) hold a public hearing in Tompkins County on the proposed expansion of the Dominion Transmission, Inc. New Market Pipeline, which runs through Tompkins County, and expansion of the Borger Compressor Station, located on Ellis Hollow Creek Road in the Town of Dryden.  It also requests that the DEC's public comment period be extended, if necessary, to accommodate the request.  The DEC has three public hearings scheduled elsewhere, and the Legislature notes that it would like to ensure that its residents have a similar opportunity to hear any public presentation by the DEC, and to provide comments regarding both air and water quality certification.

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posticon Ritter, Rayburn Attack Helming Stance

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Republicanlogo100hLeading up to next Tuesday's Republican primary, the race to fill NYS Senator Mike Nozzolio's 54th District Senate seat heated up this week when opponents accused the Pam Helming campaign of arguing in a campaign mailer that first responders who receive a pension should not run for public office because they would also receive a state salary if elected.  Candidates Floyd Rayburn and Jon Ritter, a retired Greece police officer, were quick to condemn Helming.

"I am deeply concerned and disappointed that Ms. Helming would imply that an entire segment of our population, who have dedicated their lives to public service, should be disqualified from running for state office," Ritter said Tuesday.  "It is a clear indicator, that as the "establishment" candidate, she will continue the detrimental politics as usual that has created a devastated upstate economy, loss of jobs, loss of businesses and population for our district.  Her assertion would exclude an entire population of public servants to include law enforcement and military retirees."

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posticon Ithaca Fire Department To Receive Federal Grant

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fire ithaca120Congressman Tom Reed announced the City of Ithaca will be awarded a $634,016 federal grant through the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the U.S. Fire Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to hire additional fire fighters.

"We care about those who put themselves in harm's way for our benefit, especially our fire fighters and emergency services personnel," said Reed. "These individuals devote their lives to protecting us and it is only right we help provide the staff they need to keep themselves safe in that process."

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posticon State Extends Tompkins County Jail Variance

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tc jailTompkins County Sheriff Kenneth Lansing announced Tuesday that the New York State Commission of Correction approved a 120-day extension of the 18-bed variance at Tompkins County Jail, through the end of 2016.

The Commission had previously announced its intent as of September 1st to revoke the variance, which since 2009 has permitted double-bunking to allow the Jail to operate above its 82-bed capacity.  The Commission's decision to extend the variance came at its meeting today with Sheriff Lansing, County Administrator Joe Mareane, and Jail Captain Ray Bunce.  The County had requested that the Commission reconsider the County's variance application and reverse its revocation decision.

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