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posticon Local Broadband Project Receives New York State Award

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clarity_antenna120Partners in the Tompkins and Cayuga County last-mile broadband coverage project, undertaken by provider Clarity Connect, Inc., have achieved State recognition for outstanding achievement, the award presented June 5 at a ceremony in Albany.

Clarity Connect, Tompkins County, and Cayuga County are recipients of a New York State Broadband Champion Award, recognizing “those who have demonstrated outstanding achievements within the broadband industry.”  The project was awarded as “The Most Collaborative Broadband Project/Program,” recognizing “an outstanding collaboration of two or more entities (non-profit, businesses, local government agencies) that support broadband service expansion and/or adoption in New York State.”
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posticon Public Safety, Infrastructure Upgrades To Benefit Area

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capitalbuilding_120Tom Reed highlighted district benefits in public safety and infrastructure improvements in this year’s Transportation, Housing and Urban Development – or THUD – appropriations bill up for consideration in the House of Representatives this week. Reed weighed in with input from the district to prioritize funding for projects with a local impact, including critical transportation projects.

"This bill represents a balanced, fiscally responsible approach to vital infrastructure projects that will grow jobs, expand commercial opportunity and improve the quality of life for families in the 23rd District and across the country," Reed said. “Projects utilizing taxpayer dollars must be carefully scrutinized to make sure taxpayers are getting the most out of each dollar. The initiatives the House will consider this week bring public safety and infrastructure to the forefront of the conversation.”
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posticon Ithaca Airport Control Tower To Remain Open

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airport_towerThe Transportation, Housing and Urban Development – or THUD – appropriations bill passed in the House Tuesday fully funds the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport contract tower. The local tower, scheduled to close last year, will stay open for 2015 with Congressman Tom Reed’s efforts in the House-passed bill.

“Under our bill, the Ithaca airport contract tower will remain open without the threat of funding cuts,” Reed said. “The Ithaca tower is critically important to keeping the airport and flying public safe and I’m proud to say we’ve protected this vital link in the area’s economy. Whether it’s students utilizing the airport to access campus, employees traveling for business or family members visiting relatives, this bill ensure we provide the support the airport needs to keep running safely and smoothly.”
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posticon East Shore Traffic Study Recommended

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eastshoreateastlake120It seemed fairly innocuous at first.  Seven new homes were proposed on a strip of land between Eastlake Road and Reach Run, one of the roads off of East Shore Circle.  Seven homes would not likely add significant traffic to an area.  But a connecting road was part of the development that residents fear would cause more traffic in the existing neighborhoods as drivers look for short cuts in an area along East Shore Drive they already consider dangerous.

That has escalated to a recommendation by the Lansing Planning Board Monday to fund an area traffic study that covers East Shore Drive from Asbury Road to Sun Path, including future traffic impact coming from Triphammer Road along Waterwagon Road, currently estimated at $6,750.
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posticon Position Open: Part-Time Planning Consultant

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The following describes the basic skill sets and related job duties and expectations for a part-time independent contractor consultant for the Town of Lansing. The precise terms and conditions of such consulting agreement shall be as defined by contract. A successful candidate needs to present his or her ability to: (i) successfully meet all or many of the following requirements; and (ii) manage processes and procedures concerning the following activities of the Town Planning Department:
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posticon Traffic Light Going Up at Triphammer and Craft

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trafficlight_graham120The Village of Lansing will erect a new traffic light at the corner of Triphammer and Craft Roads before the end of this year.  That will add an additional stop for shoppers coming from the north on their way to the malls off of Triphammer Road on either side of Route 13.  Mayor Donald Hartill says the $200,000 project is on track for completion before next winter.

"I should make it possible to get out Craft Road at certain busy times," he says.  "More importantly its going to regiment the traffic so you can get out of (the Village Hall) driveway, which, at times, is almost impossible.  It is especially difficult for the big (Village municipal) equipment and trucks.  So it's going to be much better."
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posticon Fire Department Considers Expanding Training Facility

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firetrainingtower-ithaca120The Lansing Volunteer Fire Department is looking into building a training tower on the existing training pad behind Central Station.  Lansing Deputy Fire Chief Brad George approached fire commissioners in May to sound them out about funding a new training facility behind Central Station.  Commissioners say that the project has been considered for about eight years, and funding is already allocated for it in the event the district decides purchase a tower.

"There are a lot of advantages to having a facility here," says Fire Commissioner Steve Oplinger.  "Anyone who does interior fighting has to have a yearly re-certification.  There's no way of getting around it.  They go down and do it with the County and it takes a long time.  We have to send apparatus down there so you lose protection here."
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posticon Town To Condemn Ludlowville House

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lvhouse_120What does a Town Board do when a house within its borders is a clear danger to the community, but the elderly owner refuses to or can't afford to pay for its demolition?  He lives in an adjoining house on the property, which he will lose if the Town starts proceedings by posting the older house as condemned.  Town officials don't want to take his property from him, but fear liability that will cost taxpayer money if they don't do something.  What do they do?

"Last summer when I saw their little table with the umbrella and the chairs right next to it, I thought this whole thing could fall right down on these two people," Town Supervisor Kathy Miller said. "And then they'd probably sue us because we didn't take it down."
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posticon Legislature Approves Public Safety Building Renovation Project

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tc_jailCulminating close to a year of consideration of the issue, the Tompkins County Legislature tonight voted to proceed with renovation of the County Public Safety Building, authorizing up to $910,000 in bonding to underwrite capital improvements that will construct a covered outdoor recreational structure and convert the current interior rec. space to dormitory space for seven additional jail beds.

The increased jail capacity is expected to significantly reduce the nearly quarter-million dollars the County spends each year to board-out inmates to jails in nearby counties.  Both the bond resolution and designation of the design for the outdoor recreational structure were approved by 11-3 votes, with Legislators Carol Chock, Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, and Kathy Luz Herrera voting no.
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posticon Legislators Set “At-Cap” 2015 Financial Goal

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tc_tompkinscourthouse120Nearly a month after it was first considered, the Legislature established a 2015 financial goal as the first step in the County’s 2015 budget process.  The Legislature approved the goal that County Administrator Joe Mareane and its budget committee had recommended, directing the Administrator to prepare a recommended budget that could be supported by a tax levy increase of no more than 2.36%, the estimated level of the County’s State-imposed Property Tax Cap. When first considered May 6, the proposal passed 7-6, with one Legislator excused—one vote short of the eight votes required for approval.

This time, the Legislature approved the goal, by a 9-5 vote (Legislators Dan Klein, Carol Chock, Will Burbank, Dooley Kiefer, and Martha Robertson. voted no.)  Legislator Robertson said she voted against the goal because she believes it should be lower.  Legislator Kathy Luz Herrera noted that, had she been voting earlier, she would have supported a lower goal, but that as of now, in considering funding needs in this community, she was willing to vote for a higher goal, knowing that Legislators will consider needs carefully during the upcoming budget process.
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posticon Lifton Meets With State DoH on Medicaid Transportation

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albanycapital120Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton (D/WF- 125th District) met with NYS Department of Health (DoH) officials in Albany Monday to express her concerns about the roll-out of the new procedures for provision of Medicaid transportation in Cortland County and the impact of the new brokerage system, including the loss of funding and ridership to the transit system that serves Cortland County and, to a lesser extent, Tompkins County.

Lifton was encouraged that the DoH was responsive to the local concerns, committing to immediately set up a working group that includes representatives from local government and mobility managers to respond effectively to the immediate crisis. That work group would then design an initiative for next year’s budget in order to more fully and robustly respond to the longer-term challenges of rural, public transportation.
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posticon County Considers Public Works Structure Change

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tc_hgwydeptlogo120The special committee of the Legislature that is conducting the once-a-decade review of the County Charter is considering a recommended Charter change that would eliminate the County’s Department of Public Works and elevate the four Public Works divisions to department status.

County Administrator Joe Mareane recommends the change, which would reflect the current operational structure.  The Commissioner of Public Works position has been vacant since Commissioner Bill Mobbs retired 15 years ago; between 2007 and 2012, Ed Marx oversaw the divisions, as well as Planning, as Commissioner of Planning and Public Works.  Since that time the four divisions—Airport, Facilities, Highway, and Solid Waste Management—have functioned as autonomous units reporting to the County Administrator, and the County has saved $150,000 a year in administrative costs.  Planning and operation of the divisions are coordinated through a strong Infrastructure Cabinet.
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posticon NY’s College Savings Plan Ranked Among Best

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cornell2New York State’s 529 College Saving Program has helped New York residents pay for more than $230 million in college-related expenses in 2014, New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said Thursday in recognition of 529 College Savings Day. The investment program, overseen by DiNapoli’s office and the Higher Education Services Corp., is designed to help parents save for college and offers tax deductions up to $10,000 annually.

“A smart way to combat rising college costs is to plan ahead. It’s never too early to begin saving for your child’s future,” DiNapoli said. “I encourage parents and loved ones to take advantage of this opportunity and open an account today. Saving for college now can make a significant difference in a student’s life later.”
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