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posticon TCAT Employee Charged For Embezzlement

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johnson_120Ithaca Police Department Chief of Police John R. Barber and Tompkins County District Attorney Gwen Wilkinson jointly announced Wednesday that after a lengthy police investigation the Ithaca Police Department has arrested Pamela Johnson for embezzling money from her employer, Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT). The arrest stems from a complaint from TCAT officials that a significant amount of money was missing from their accounting department. Police Investigators determined that over the last several years Johnson diverted approximately $247,000 to an unauthorized bank account. The transfer of funds was made to appear as payments to a TCAT vendor, however Police Investigators determined that the vendor never provided goods or services to TCAT and that Johnson controlled the unauthorized bank account.

Wednesday day at 1:30 pm Johnson appeared voluntarily in Ithaca City Court with her attorney. Johnson was arraigned on one charge of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree. Johnson was arraigned and released on her own recognizance. The date of Johnson’s next court appearance was not established. Additional charges are pending.
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posticon Village Elections - Gerry Monaghan

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Gerry MonaghanWith Julie Baker vacating her Village of Lansing Trustee seat, Gerry Monaghan is throwing his hat into the political ring.  Originally from White Plains, Monaghan and his wife Viola have lived in the Village since 2008, after living in Ithaca, Trumansburg, Montour Falls, Williamsport, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Westchester County.  They have three sons.  He is an artist, graphic designer and independent contractor. 

Monaghan says that after moving 14 times in 20 years he is putting down roots in the Village, and running for Trustee is part of that effort.  He says he is committed to environmental issues.  The Lansing Star recently interviewed him about his candidacy at his Village of Lansing home.
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posticon Village Elections - John O'Neill

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John O'neilJohn O'Neill has served five terms as a Village Trustee, and is running for a sixth.  During his tenure on the board he has taken a special interest in municipal services, acting as the Village liaison to the Town of Lansing, monitoring Village roads to make sure they are in compliance with State laws, and working with Lansing Fire District officials on the new Oakcrest Road fire station.

He has lived here with his wife Germaine for 13 years.  While serving in the Army he completed a Masters of International Policy and almost completed a Masters of Public Administration.  O'Neill says those studies have helped him in the international and public arenas.  After retiring from the Army he and others opened a contract with the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA).   That work provided experience he applies to Village roads, bridges, and other related projects.  He talked to the Lansing Star this week about his candidacy.
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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc_leg120Bonding Approved for Human Services Building Renovation
The Legislature, by unanimous vote, approved bonding to support renovation to the County Human Services Building, located in the 300 block of West Martin Luther King, Jr./State Street, providing a new headquarters for the County’s Day Reporting Program.  (Legislator Brian Robison was excused.)

The measure authorizes the County to issue up to $1.68 million in serial bonds and notes to fund a one-story bump-out on the southeast corner of the building, adding about 1,600 square feet, to make room for the Day Reporting program. The project will build and reconfigure about 7,000 square feet of interior space to add the space for Day Reporting, and relocate Department of Social Services facilities such as interview rooms to the new addition, with no loss of program space.  As part of the renovation, the size of the Beverly Livesay Conference Room will be slightly reduced, but not as much as first planned.  The project will enable Day Reporting to vacate the Old County Library and move into what County Administrator Joe Mareane characterized as “a 21st Century center for Day Reporting,” adjacent to other Probation programs.
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posticon Budget Committee Recommends Bonding

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tc_court120hThe Legislature’s budget committee today joined the Public Safety Committee in recommending bonding resolutions for renovation projects at the County Human Services and Public Safety Buildings.  The measures will next head to the full Legislature for action.

The Human Services Building proposal would authorize issuance of up to just under $1.7 million in bonds and notes for reconfiguration of interior space and construction of a one-story addition to the building to house Probation’s Day Reporting program.  That resolution was recommended by a unanimous vote.
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posticon High School Lock-In a Rousing Success

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hslockin120The Lock-In for the Class of 2014 went off without a hitch on the weekend of March 14th and 15th! The seniors put together this all school activity to raise funds for their senior trip, and nearly half the school came to support the event.

To start off the night there was a floor hockey tournament in the gym, and students were eager for the ball to drop. Eight teams competed in the tournament including the faculty's '1980's Dream Team'. In the cafeteria there was plenty of food, much of it graciously donated by parents and businesses, including Buffalo Wild Wings, Sal's Pizzeria, and Finger Lakes Bakery! There were also 'Minute to Win It' games going on for several hours, where students competed to complete fun tasks in under a minute. In some of the other rooms, movies were shown and video games were played.

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posticon Town Center Senior Apartment Complex Proposal Presented

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calimar_120The Lansing RFP Committee held the third of a series of sessions Wednesday to allow developers to present proposals for a possible Lansing Town Center.  This time it was Calimar's turn to talk about a $17.44 million senior apartment complex they hope to build here.  Calimar is a developer that specializes in building and operating senior housing.

"It's not just a building," said Calimar Director of Senior Housing Development Jocelyn Bos. "What we pride ourselves on is our senior communities.  Each of our buildings have their own unique personalities.  This is not assisted living.  It is independent living."
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posticon State Senate Adopts of 'Jobs for Heroes' Legislation

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albany2_120New York State Senator Mike Nozzolio announced today that legislation he co-sponsored has been adopted in the New York State Senate.  Senate bill S.6865, “Jobs for Heroes' is designed to support veterans who have a service-related disability.

“We owe a great deal to our Nation's veterans, especially those who have been injured or disabled while serving our Nation," Nozzolio said.  This important measure will help ensure that our service-disabled veterans will have the opportunity to start a new business or expand an existing business right here in New York State.As State Senator, I will continue my efforts to honor the dedication and sacrifices of our servicemen and women."
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posticon NYSEG Requests New Eight Month Repowering Extension

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cpp_powerlines120People on both sides of the Cayuga Power Plant repowering controversy expected a final decision next week on whether the plant would be repowered with natural gas or closed.  Cayuga Operating Company LLC (COC) and NYSEG are reaching the deadline to come up with a mutually agreeable plan for delivering reliable power to the region after being granted three extensions.  But a new request for an extension was filed Monday by an attorney for NYSEG (New York State Electric & Gas). 

"Cayuga and NYSEG continue to work diligently in an attempt to develop a mutually-agreeable revised proposal, but to date, have been unable to do so," wrote attorney Jeffrey A. Rosenbloom. "NYSEG and Cayuga are willing to continue discussions to explore whether a mutually agreeable proposal can be reached. Accordingly, to avoid the need for filing further extension requests, Cayuga and NYSEG respectfully request that the Commission extend the deadline for filing a joint proposal or separate recommendations until December 1, 2014."
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posticon State Senate Enacts Local Speed Limit Legislation

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35mph_120New York State Senator Mike Nozzolio announced today that legislation he co-sponsored and fought to enact has been adopted in the New York State Senate. Senate bill S.1356 would authorize towns to set speed limits on roads within their own jurisdictions.

“One of my most important responsibilities as a State Senator is to listen to the needs of my constituents and provide whatever assistance I can in helping them to make their local communities a better place to live, work and raise their families," Nozzolio said.  "A good and safe transportation system is critical for economic growth and opportunity in my District.  As State Senator, I will continue my efforts to do all possible to provide our local governments with the tools and resources they need to improve the safety of our local roads.”
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posticon Robertson Asks Justice Department to Review Actions of ConAgra Foods

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robertsonoffcl_120Democratic 23rd Congressional District candidate Martha Robertson announced today that in the wake of ConAgra’s decision to shutter plants in upstate New York, she is asking the U.S. Justice Department to review ConAgra Foods' actions for possible violations of anti-trust laws aimed at ensuring free and fair competition.

ConAgra, a Fortune 500 company with net sales totaling approximately $18 billion, purchased Carriage House from Ralcorp in November 2012. Carriage House, formerly Red Wing, has been a Fredonia corporate food processor for generations. The closing announcement from ConAgra means that some 425 workers will be losing their jobs beginning in September and ending in February 2015.
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posticon Reed Brings District Rural Hospital Concerns Before Sebelius

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tomreed2013_120Tom Reed ensured that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius heard the voices of rural hospitals during a recent hearing of the Ways and Means Committee. Reed is hearing from hospitals throughout the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes on the damaging hits they are taking as a result of ongoing cuts from Obamacare and reimbursement rates cuts included in the White House’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget proposal.

“The Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rate cuts that the Administration is imposing are hurting our frontline rural hospitals and preventing access to care,” Reed said. “It’s important the Secretary hears our rural hospital concerns and knows the policies the Administration supports is putting rural hospitals at risk.”
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posticon School Board Approves Technology Contracts

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school_aerial3The Lansing Board Of Education approved three warrants Monday totaling $615,000 for technology purchases.  Director of IT Michael Lockwood was on hand to talk about the state of technology on the district campus and proposals for maintaining and upgrading the system.  About half the money will roll over from an expired technology contract, and by purchasing equipment through BOCES contracts the district stands to save money and receive more aid.

"This district has seen enormous growth in technology in the last several years," Lockwood said.  "If you look at the number of tablet devices, the number of wireless connections in the building, even the amount of bandwidth we have in the district for our Internet, it has grown tremendously in the last two or three years.  Part of that comes from assistance from groups like the CDC (Corporate Development Committee).  We've had opportunities through BOCES to bring in technology."
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