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posticon Charitable Gambling Illegal in Lansing

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gambling1Is bingo illegal in Lansing?  Cake wheels?  Raffles?  Lansing Town Council members were surprised Wednesday to learn that the Town's bingo and games of chance law is so out of date that it is no longer in compliance with New York State law.  That may mean that all charitable games of chance are illegal in Lansing until the Town Board updates the town's local gaming laws.

"We have to have a local law authorizing those activities within the Town of Lansing," said Lansing Town Attorney Guy Krogh.  "And we have to do some policing on behalf of the State."
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posticon Lansing Democratic Committee Meeting

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Cordially invites you to their monthly meeting

Thursday, July 12, 2012
7:00 P.M.


Auburn Road--next to Town Community Center

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posticon After 77 Years Holocaust Survivor Receives Degree

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fv_120After Kristallnacht in World War II, Jewish children were prevented from going to school. Jews were subject to curfews and eventually sent to concentration and death camps. Friday Fred Voss was awarded his diploma at Lansing High School's Commencement ceremony after telling his story of persecution and escaping from the Nazis to sophomores at the school for ten years.

"I wish to make it very clear, that I am accepting this diploma, with great honor, but not only in my name, but also in the names of the one and a half million of Jewish children, from little tiny babies to young teenagers who were killed by the Nazi's, throughout Europe," says Fred Voss, who at 92 was awarded his diploma 77 years after he would have graduated had he been allowed to go to high school.
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posticon Special Education Contractors Misusing Taxpayer Dollars

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albany2_120Three private contractors hired to provide special education services for pre-K children used public money for inappropriate and unallowable expenses, according to audits released today by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. Some contractors billed for no-show jobs, improper staff bonuses, landscaping services and flooring for a vacation home, and much more.

DiNapoli called the schemes to defraud the state “unconscionable.” In some instances, contractors attempted to hide the fraud, while in others the fraud was barely concealed. DiNapoli’s office began a widespread probe into the operations of special education contractors after irregularities arose in financial disclosure reports. This probe so far has led to felony arrests of four contractors and restitution of $610,000.
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posticon Sewer Presented to Lansing Planning Board

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sewer2012_120The Lansing Sewer Committee attended a Planning Board meeting Monday to bring that board up to date on plans for the sewer and Town Center.  Committee member Andy Sciaraba presented details on the 10.2 million sewer project, budget, and told the board about two construction projects that are planned for parts of the 150 acre Town Center land across the street from the Town ballfields.

Board member Tom Ellis noted that Ludlowville is in need of a sewer and asked whether it is included in the proposed South Lansing sewer district.  Sciarabba explained that it will not be included in the first phase of the project because of the cost of pumping effluent uphill from the hamlet.  Board member Larry Sharpsteen noted it will be important for the committee to stress that the cost of the sewer is not paid by the whole town, but by property owners within the benefit district.  Board member Rick Prybyl noted that all residents will pay in a way because the Lansing schools are in the sewer district.  But others noted that hooking up to sewer will be less expensive for the schools than replacing two failing septic systems.
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posticon Howard, Zwat and Friends

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc_seal120Redistricting Process Moves Forward
Tompkins County is one step closer to reapportioning County legislative districts, as the Legislature, after well over an hour of thoughtful discussion accepted the concept of a 14-member Legislature, as advanced by the County’s Independent Redistricting Commission, and directed staff to draft a proposed Local Law to implement the Commission’s most recent recommendations, to be advanced to public hearing.  The vote was 10-3, with Legislators Pam Mackesey,  Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, and Carol Chock voting no; Legislators Nathan Shinagawa and Kathy Luz Herrera were excused.)  The independent commission this week slightly adjusted boundaries within the City of Ithaca, as contained in its initially recommended plan, to minimize the number of added election districts needed within the City to accommodate four County legislative districts and five City wards.
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posticon Commission Recommends Adjusted 14-District Redistricting Plan

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tc_court120hThe County’s Independent Redistricting Commission, charged with recommending a plan to reapportion County legislative districts, tonight approved a slightly revised redistricting plan to recommend to the County Legislature.

The plan, recommended by a unanimous vote of the Commission, would minimize the number of added election districts that would be required to accommodate four County legislative districts and five City wards within the City of Ithaca.  Last week, Ithaca’s Common Council voted to support an arrangement that keeps the number of City wards at five, instead of reducing the number to four.
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posticon Hydrilla Eradication Treatments Resume in Cayuga Inlet

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hydrillaThe second of a series of herbicide treatments is tentatively scheduled for the Cayuga Inlet on June 26-27, 2012.  The herbicide being used in the treatment is Endothal, also known as Aquathol K.  This is the same herbicide that was used in the October, 2011 treatment.

The Inlet will be closed during the 36-hour herbicide application period.  Important to note is that the treatment is weather dependent and may be postponed or extended if conditions are not conducive to an effective herbicide application.
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posticon Hangar Opens With Tenor

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hangar_tenorThe Hangar Theatre kicks off its 2012 season with theside-splitting farce Lend Me a Tenor by Ken Ludwig. Featuring a stellar cast of Broadway and Hangar favorites, this hysterical night in the theatre will be directed by Hangar Artistic Director Peter Flynn. Lend Me a Tenor runs June 21st - July 7th.

Set in 1934, Henry Saunders, the general manager of the Cleveland Grand Opera Company, is awaiting the arrival of world famous tenor, Tito Morelli, to appear for one night as Otello. Showing up late, the star inadvertently takes a double dose of tranquilizers and passes out.
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posticon Legislature Chair Urges Rejection of 'Limited' Fracking Proposal

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robertson120Martha RobertsonLegislature Chair Martha Robertson was among those speaking out at an Albany session today, urging Governor Cuomo to reject a proposal to allow “limited” hydrofracking in parts of five Southern Tier Counties.  The reported plan would establish a demonstration project allowing such drilling in parts of Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Steuben, and Tioga Counties.

Robertson was among those who spoke at a news conference at the Capitol, where a coalition of organizations and individuals called upon Governor Cuomo to reject the plan that his Administration is reportedly considering.  This week, the coalition sent a letter to the Governor, signed by more than 100 organizations and individuals, urging rejection of the reported proposal.
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posticon Oklahoma Comes to the State Theatre

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r2poklahoma120Running to Places Theatre Company (R2P) is bringing the great American musical Oklahoma to the State Theatre, July 13-15 with performances at 7pm on Friday and Saturday, 2pm on Sunday. Often considered the masterpiece of legendary collaborators Rodgers and Hammerstein, the show is a story of love and hope on the frontier at the turn of the 20th century and features favorites such as 'Oh What a Beautiful Morning,' 'Surrey with the Fringe on Top,' 'People Will Say We're in Love,' as well as the title song.

"Oklahoma was groundbreaking for its time, and has endured for 70 years for good reason," says R2P Co-Artistic Director Gail Belokur. "Oklahoma was the first musical of its kind—incorporating songs that are tightly integrated with the plot and character arcs as well as the evocation of emotions beyond laughter.'
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posticon Accusations of Election Improprieties Spark Heated Village Argument

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villagesign120A contentious election in the Village of Lansing in April led to a confrontation between Voice Of The People and Community Party members at Monday's Board of Trustees meeting.  On June 4th Yasamin Miller submitted a letter to the Board of Trustees and the Lansing Star in behalf of herself and fellow Voice of the People (VOTPP) candidate Brian Goodell accusing Community Party (CP) members of misconduct and proposing that the Village adopt election guidelines, including four she and Goodell suggested.  But Community Party candidates John O'Neill and Julia Ann Kilgore Baker (who won the election) and their supporters refuted the accusations, saying there were no improprieties initiated by themselves or their campaigns.

"Part of the reason I don't understand your letter is there really are no facts in there," said Baker.  "I don't know what you are talking about.  And I've always thought we are not even supposed to discuss election matters in board meetings."
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