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posticon Nozzolio Demands Equal Watershed Protections For All Finger Lakes

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nozzolio_120State Senator Michael Nozzolio is continuing his efforts to urge the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to establish equal watershed protections for all the lakes in the Finger Lakes region. Nozzolio strongly criticized the DEC’s recent draft Environmental Impact Statement on natural gas drilling, which recommends stricter environmental protection regulations in the regions surrounding Skaneateles Lake and the New York City watershed, while not providing the same protections for the watersheds of the other Finger Lakes.
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posticon DiNapoli Proposes Fracking Remediation Plan

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gaswell_120New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli proposed a program Tuesday to remediate contamination and establish an industry-supported fund to recover damages caused by accidents related to natural gas production.  The proposed legislation would apply to current drilling operations as well as to proposed high-volume hydraulic fracturing.  

“New York has begun to debate the many serious issues related to the production of natural gas from the Marcellus shale,” DiNapoli said.   “The only current remedy for private citizens who suffer damages to their property from natural gas production is to enter into litigation, which has the potential to be costly, difficult and slow."
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posticon Class Size Policy Considered By Board

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school_lockers120The Lansing Board of Education accepted the first reading of a class size policy that reaffirms a policy passed in 2005.  The policy instructs the Superintendent to consider options to reduce the student to teacher ratio when class sizes exceed 25 in grades 5-12, or 18 in K-4.  Superintendent Stephen Grimm said the policy will serve as a starting point when next year's budget discussions begin.

"That's a very important policy because as we move into this next budget round we talked about class sizes," he said.  "The next level is do we cut programs or increase class sizes.  If we need to do something we'll talk about changing this policy.  We want to readopt it now to serve as a base line for what was established in 2005.  Then when the budget season comes if we need to make a decision related to class size this board will have to change that policy."
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posticon Redistricting Commission Listens to Municipal Input

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tc_court120hIn the first of two sessions seeking input from municipal leaders, the County’s Redistricting Commission on Tuesday heard from two Town Supervisors concerning how the apportionment of County legislative districts could affect their municipalities.

Ithaca Town Supervisor Herb Engman, whose town’s representation is currently split among seven County legislators, urged that his town’s population be reapportioned differently in the plan based on the 2010 Census that the Commission will recommend.
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posticon National Grandfather/Grandson Grass Court Championship

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milnerwiseJustin Milner of Ithaca, NY and Dale Wise of Lansing, NY finished second in the consolation division of the National Grandfather/Grandson Grass Court Championship held at the Longwood Cricket Club in Chestnut Hill, Mass July 18 to July 20. Justin, age 14, is the grandson of Dale and Jean Wise and will be a freshman at Ithaca High School this fall.

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posticon Wilcox Declares Supervisor Candidacy

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wilcox_announcement120After a dramatic defeat in a bid to become the candidate for Lansing Town Supervisor last week's Democratic Caucus, Deputy Supervisor Connie Wilcox said she would be filing as an independent.  This week she made good on that promise, officially announcing her candidacy at the Lansing Fire Commissioner's meeting.  Wilcox said that the Democratic candidate represents special interests in the town.  She promised to continue to provide good services while keeping taxes down.

"I'm running on the 'no special interest' party line," she declared.  "The Republicans have put no one up for Supervisor.  69 people could have more or less decided the election last thursday night.  I decided not to take it lying down.  I have worked hard for the Town over the past eight years, so I am running as an independent."
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posticon Lansing Ceases Responding To Frivolous 911 Calls

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ems_120If you you break a finger or a toe you normally just go to your doctor, or take yourself to the emergency room.  But a surprising number of people call 911 even when they don't have a serious or life-threatening emergency.  Fire Departments across the nation call these 'alpha calls'.  As of last Tuesday Lansing Fire Chief Scott Purcell says the Lansing Fire Department will no longer respond to alpha calls.

"People were driving hot with red lights and sirens to an alpha call that was only a broken finger," Purcell says.  "People were getting in accidents.  We're trying to prevent that."
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posticon Part Time Cleaner Needed

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The Town of Lansing has an opening for a part-time Cleaner 15-20 hours per week. The successful candidate will be responsible for cleaning Town Hall Offices, Highway Department & Community Center in accordance with an assigned schedule. Wage range $8.92 - $12.47 per hour.

Applications available at the Lansing Town Hall, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY 14882 or Tompkins County Personnel, 125 East Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. Deadline August 26, 2011.

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc_seal120Public Hearing on Road Preservation Law Scheduled August 16
The Legislature, without dissent, authorized a public hearing on the County’s proposed Road Preservation Law.  The hearing will take place on August 16, beginning at 5:30 p.m., at Legislative Chambers of the County Courthouse, 320 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca.  The hearing will take public comment on the proposed amendment to the County Code, which would regulate certain “high intensity, high frequency” truck traffic from temporary projects—such as, but not limited to gas drilling—which carry the potential to cause serious damage to ccounty roads.  The proposed law has been revised since an initial public hearing was held at the beginning of this year, revisions based on comment received at that first hearing and at several public information sessions thereafter, sponsored by the Legislature’s Government Operations and Facilities and Infrastructure Committees.
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posticon Hanna Issues Statement On House Debt Ceiling Vote

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hanna_rep_120Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna (R, C, I-Barneveld) Monday released the following statement about the Budget Control Act of 2011:

“Defaulting on our debt has never been an option. Those who aren’t voting for thoughtful change are voting for failure.

“I am pleased that both sides came together to responsibly raise the debt ceiling and, for the first time in history, cut government spending at the same time. I stated publicly months ago that it is necessary to raise the debt ceiling, but it should be accompanied by spending reforms to put our nation on a path to long-term fiscal responsibility.
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posticon Editorial - Lansing Voters Get A Choice

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EditorialWhen Connie Wilcox threw her hat into the ring for Lansing Town Supervisor Tuesday she did Lansing voters a favor.  She gave Lansing voters a choice that will make this election season interesting and informative and plot the path to Lansing's future in clearly defined terms.  With no Republican candidate, the Democrats' candidate, Kathy Miller, might have been the only Town Supervisor candidate in November.  Now there will be two candidates with distinctly different approaches to the challenges facing the town.  So the election will be as much a referendum on how voters see its future as a vote for an individual.

Both candidates are worthy.  Both are intelligent and capable.  Both have stepped up to serve the community in a variety of different ways and over a long period of time.  They agree on many of the issues facing the town, but I think they will prove to have very different plans for dealing with them.  They certainly have distinctly different personal styles, but both are hard-working councilwomen who do a lot behind the scenes to learn about issues and figure out how best to proceed.
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posticon Howard, Zwat and Friends

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posticon Redistricting Commission Hears From County Legislators

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tc_court120hThe County’s Independent Redistricting Commission, charged with preparing a plan for reapportioning County legislative districts, listened to comments from seven members of the County Legislature tonight regarding the size of the Legislature and other aspects of legislative districts, including those they represent.

As part of its charge from the Legislature, the Commission has been asked to advise on the size of the Legislature—which has stood at its current 15 members since 1974, but can range from 11 to 19 members under provisions of the County Charter.
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