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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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Fund Balance Appropriation Authorized for TC3; Public Hearing Rescheduled Regarding 2019-2020 Operating Budget
The Legislature, by a vote of 12-1 (Legislator Deborah Dawson voted no; Legislator Rich John was excused) approved use by Tompkins Cortland Community College of $300,000 in balance to help address a revenue shortfall in the College's operating budget for the current fiscal year. Projected enrollment for 2018-2019 is less than budgeted, causing tuition revenues to be lower than planned. As of the end of May, the College's available fund balance stood at nearly $1.2 million.

Legislators also scheduled a public hearing August 6th, 5:30 p.m. on the TC3 2019-2020 Operating Budget. The hearing will be held at County Legislature Chambers, located at the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 E. Court Street, Ithaca. The hearing had initially been scheduled for the July 16th meeting, but was rescheduled due to its inadvertent omission from the meeting agenda. Action on the Operating Budget is expected at the Legislature's August 20th meeting.

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posticon Solar and Wind Local Law Public Information Session

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The Town of Lansing invites you to attend a public information session on the proposed draft Solar and Wind Local Law at Town Hall on:
Monday, July 29th from 12-2 pm
Wednesday, August 7th from 5-7 pm

The Town’s Code Enforcement Officer and Director of Planning will be available to answer questions about the draft Solar and Wind Local Law, which is available from the Town Clerk’s office or online at

Since 2018, the Town Board, Planning Board, and Agricultural Committee have been working towards adoption of a Local Law to address alternative energy systems. Several commercial-scale solar energy companies are seeking to advance projects in the Town of Lansing. The Town Board intends to hold a Public Hearing and adopt the draft Solar and Wind Local Law at their regular meeting on Wednesday, September 18th. Your input and engagement in the adoption process is most welcome and appreciated.

Please direct all questions or concerns regarding this project to C.J. Randall, Director of Planning for the Town of Lansing, at 607-533-7054 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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posticon State Commission Will Study Artificial Intelligence And Robotics

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S.3971B/A.1746C) Wednesday creating a temporary state commission to study and investigate how to regulate artificial intelligence, robotics and automation. The New York State Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation Commission will look at the latest uses and impacts of these technologies to determine how the State can best utilize and regulate them as necessary.

"Artificial intelligence and automation are already having a profound impact across many industries and their influence keeps growing, so it's critical that we do everything in our power to understand their capabilities and potential pitfalls," Cuomo said. "This new commission will look closely at how these rapidly evolving technologies are functioning and report back on how we can optimize use to benefit New Yorkers and our economy."

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posticon Congress Members Return From Bipartisan Visit To Southern Border

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Washington, DC - Last Friday, members of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus visited McAllen, TX to see facilities and conditions at the southern border. The trip was led by Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA). Members visited the Donna Holding Facility for family units and unaccompanied children, the Port of Entry in Hidalgo, a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) living and learning center for unaccompanied minors run by the non-profit BCFS, and the McAllen Central Processing Center.

After the visit, the Members sat together to continue the Caucus's discussions of potential solutions that members of both parties could support. Afterward, the group held a press conference that can be viewed here.

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posticon Public Safety Committee Meeting Highlights

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Sergeant Army Sgt. James Johnston Presented Tompkins County Champion Award
Before the Legislature’s Public Safety Committee, the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office honored Army Sergeant James Johnston, of Trumansburg, with presentation of the Tompkins County Champion Award. Sgt. Johnston was killed while on active duty in Afghanistan on June 25, 2019.

Tompkins County Sheriff Derek Osborne said, “When we created this award program, we wanted to highlight those who performed a heroic act, saved a life, or promoted public safety. Never did we anticipate recognizing someone for making the ultimate sacrifice. Sgt. Johnston gave up his life at the very young age of 24, standing up for our nation’s ideals and safeguarding our freedoms.”

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posticon Shed Business to Replace Pit Stop

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The Pit Stop

The Lansing Town planning Board approved a site plan Monday for a shed display on East Shore Drive across the street from Rogue's Harbor Inn.  Quality Sheds owner Dale Martin told the board 25 to 30 portable sheds will be displayed on 1.8 acres of the largely unattended lot, displayed around the dilapidated Pit Stop building that has been deteriorating since that business closed.  Martin, whose business is located in Scipio Center, said a sales person may meet a potential customer on the lot from time to time, but it would generally be unattended.  As sheds are sold they will be replaced with new ones.

"We're proposing to put some sheds on this vacant lot," Martin said. "We had a meeting where there was some concern about access.  We can put some railroad ties to limit access, and have some parking spaces.  But it's basically just a display with a sign, and information on the sheds to direct people to our main office in Scipio Center."

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posticon Toxic Algae Blooms Close Myers Park Beach

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Myers Park Beach Closed

The Myers Park swimming area was closed this week due to toxic blue-green algae.  HABs (Harmful Algal Blooms) have been observed in multiple locations around the southern end of Cayuga Lake from Aurora to Northwest Ithaca, including including the Myers Park beach and Salt Point shoreline.  The Lansing beach was immediately closed when HABs were discovered there Saturday.  By Wednesday Lansing Recreation Supervisor Patrick Tyrrell got a call with good news.  A Health Department official told Tyrrelll that test results from Albany were negative for toxins, so the Myers Park beach is now reopened.

"I just got off the phone with the Health Department," Tyrell said Wednesday evening. "We're open.  All clear, and good to go."

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posticon Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill To Assist Family Caregivers

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Washington, DC - Congressman Tom Reed highlighted how two 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are partnering with him on a bipartisan, bicameral bill endorsed by the AARP to support family caregivers in New York and across the country.

"How often do you see two Democrat Senators running for President partner with a Republican House Member? 40 Million Americans provide unpaid care to a friend or relative with a long-term illness or medical condition, often juggling this work with other obligations resulting in a significant financial burden," said Reed. "We all care about ensuring our aging loved ones get the assistance they deserve and want to ensure any financial pain put upon caregivers are eased. We are pleased to put partisan labels aside to work together to help people," Tom concluded.

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posticon Cuomo Signs Farm Workers Bill

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed the Farm Workers Bill Wednesday, which establishes the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act to protect farm worker rights and ensure equitable housing and working conditions. The bill grants farm workers overtime pay, a day of rest each week, disability and Paid Family Leave coverage, unemployment benefits and other labor protections. The bill will take effect on January 1, 2020.

"This new law is not just a great achievement in terms of the effect on the human condition, it's also a milestone in the crusade for social justice," Cuomo said. "By signing this bill into law, 100,000 farmers and their families will have better lives and will finally have the same protections that other workers have enjoyed for over 80 years. This powerful and practical achievement is even more significant in the era of President Trump who continually diminishes workers' rights, attacks labor unions, disrespects the disenfranchised and has made divide and conquer, rather than unify and grow, the credo of America."

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posticon Reed Lays Out Social Security Reform Principles

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Washington DC - Congressman Tom Reed, Republican Leader of the Social Security Subcommittee, laid out his principles for bipartisan Social Security reform under the acronym "LEAP" in preparation for an expected upcoming Ways and Means hearing on Social Security solvency.

"As the youngest of 12, raised by a single mom on a Social Security check and a military death benefit after my father passed away when I was two, I understand what it means to rely on this program," Reed said. "It is imperative to protect current beneficiaries as well as ensure Social Security is here for generations and that is what we are doing with these principles. With the combined Social Security Trust Funds expected to be exhausted in 2035, the time for Democrats and Republicans to join hands and secure this landmark program is now. That is why we are pleased to release our principles for reform."

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posticon Northern End of Woodsedge Drive to be Moved

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Woodsedge Drive

The Lansing Town Board accepted the dedication of Louise Bement Lane Wednesday, which cleared the way for the town to accept a $75,000 state grant that will pay for materials to align the end of Woodsedge Drive with the new road.  Moving the northern-most portion of Woodsedge Drive will create a four way intersection with that leads to Auburn Road (NYS Route 34/24B) and Louise bement Lane.  The money is an 'in-kind' grant that will pay for materials, which the Town Highway Department provides the labor and equipment.

Louise Bement Lane is a new road that will provide access to the Milton Meadows housing project that is under construction by its developer, the Cornerstone Group.  named for Lansing's Town Historian, the road will also be the address of the new Salt Point Brewery building that is currently undergoing sketch plan review by the town Planning Board.  Supervisor Ed LaVigne said that the closing on the 3.5 acre brewery property took place Wednesday afternoon.

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posticon Town Supports Lakeside Conservation Park

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Land Trust Lakefront Park

The Finger Lakes Land Trust's (FLLT) Director of Conservation Max Heitner asked the Lansing Town Board Wednesday, to pass a resolution supporting a grant application that may lead to a 193.5-acre conservation park.  If FLLT can raise the money they plan to acquire the land from William and Lee Sims, who would retain 41 acres for their home.  Obtaining and maintaining the land is being called the Cayuga Cliffs Land and Water Protection Project.

"I am here to ask for the board to pass a resolution in favor of a grant application for the Finger lakes Land trust to acquire, as well as hold a conservation easement on a property owned by the Simms family on 34B, which includes over 4,000 of rail-side lake shore, a few very drastic, rugged gorges, mixed hardwood forests, and open fields," Heitner said.  "The property is directly across Lake Cayuga from Taughanock Falls State Park"

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posticon Nation's Largest Offshore Wind Agreement Signed

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, joined by former Vice President Al Gore, executed the nation's largest offshore wind agreement yesterday, and the single largest renewable energy procurement by any state in U.S. history - nearly 1,700 megawatts -with the selection of two offshore wind projects, that will create enough energy to power over 1 million homes, create more than 1,600 jobs, and result in $3.2 billion in economic activity. Cuomo also signed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, or CLCPA, which adopts the most ambitious and comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation in the country. Today's announcement underscores New York's undisputed position as a global leader in climate and clean energy, and advances Cuomo's nation-leading mandate of 9,000 megawatts by 2035. Additionally, today's offshore wind announcement is expected to catalyze the first generation of major United States supply chain investments by the fast-growing offshore wind sector, positioning New York to be the hub of the nation's burgeoning offshore wind industry.

"The environment and climate change are the most critically important policy priorities we face," Cuomo said. "They literally will determine the future - or the lack thereof. Even in today's chaos of political pandering and hyperbole there are still facts, data and evidence - and climate change is an undeniable scientific fact. But cries for a new green movement are hollow political rhetoric if not combined with aggressive goals and a realistic plan on how to achieve them. With this agreement, New York will lead the way in developing the largest source of offshore wind power in the nation, and today I will sign the most aggressive climate law in the United States of America. Today we are true to the New York legacy - to lead the way forward, to govern with vision and intelligence, to set a new standard, and to match our words with action."

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