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mailmanIt begins with babies.  They sit entranced,  listening to the rhythm of rhyme and song.  They are drawn to the pictures- they coo and later mimic… Seeing a child engulfed in giggles over a silly story. Turning pages, memorizing lines, predicting outcomes.  Listening to children sing their ABC’s and clap for themselves in delight. Watching two developing readers help each other with the tools they have learned from their teachers,  “Tap it out… look at the picture…is there a clue in the rest of the sentence?”  Meeting bus drivers who have books on the bus for children.  Listening with excitement as families share their favorite stories and the memories attached.   The anonymous gifts, the camp scholarships, the book passed on.  Talk among community members- incredible initiatives, beautiful family traditions.  Imaginations awakened, worlds opened. Beginning poets, young published cartoonists, love notes to Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa.  First grade love letters!  Poems that Grandma read and shared.  Stories read out loud.  Diaries.  Family traditions passed down.

We are a community that cares for its children.  We are in our churches, our schools, our town, our fire departments,  our sports fields, at pancake breakfasts, in our libraries,  working in our local businesses.  We are at home.  We are behind the scenes.  We are our best selves in our work with children.

Conversations are happening- at school, at home, with each other.  We are talking about children and we are talking about supporting them through a community literacy initiative.  Right now,  we are reaching out for books, gently used and new.  We will give them to children, and we will share them through community bookshelves.  (Delicious books at Lansing Market beginning Friday December 20th; Bright Red Book Shelf Lansing United Methodist Church-open;  and in the New Year- Lansing Town Hall.)

The word “infuse” comes to mind.  Literacy infused throughout all that we do.  As we develop ideas the possibilities are endless.  Story book characters at community events?  Story circles? Intergenerational reads?   Poetry jams?  Reading Camps?  Reading buddies over the summer months.   Some of our children would so greatly benefit from this.  “Book to pass”  instead of “Dish to pass.”  As we continue to share ideas and sponsor initiatives, our children will benefit and so will we.

Please keep sharing your time, your ideas, your resources and your books.  Every conversation we have, every moment we are engaged or acting on our ideas to support literacy related efforts in our community,  is significant.  The gifts of literacy are far reaching and life long.  They allow us to grow and develop and contribute.  When we read and understand, we are able to ask questions and advocate for ourselves and others.  When we read we can become connected to worlds that are far away and sentiments that are shared.  When we read we can learn more about each other and learn just as much about what connects us as to what separates us.  Enjoy the season!  Enjoy the gift of literacy!  It is priceless.  A big thank you to our community for giving the gift of literacy and for all the work that has been happening. 

Supporting literacy is not new to us- but the time has come to coordinate and expand our efforts!  FMI or for ways to get involved, contact Judy Hinderliter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Lisa Campbell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lisa Campbell
Lansing, NY
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