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No news is good news.  But when there is good news you don't tend to hear it, because, well, it isn't considered news.  Each month at Town meetings the department heads report on their activities and I think, "I should write something about the Highway Department."  But what should I write?

When there is snow they plow it.  The conventional wisdom around town is Town roads are always better plowed than County and State ones.  If something goes wrong they fix it.  Last week they were busy repairing flood damage to shoulders and ditches.  They do a great job of maintaining the Town roads in the summer.  When I moved here in the late 1980s just about the first thing I noticed was the Highway Department re-paving roads.  They just make things work.

It is clearly a matter of pride to Highway Superintendent Jack French that his department responds quickly and efficiently to emergencies that could involve a blizzard or a burst water main.  You can hear it in his voice when he reports to the Town Board each month about what his people have been doing.

In the off times the department helps out with other projects for the Parks department, or elsewhere in town.  This summer they will be helping to reshape Salt Point, laying a road and parking areas among other things.  But these are all things we have come to take for granted.  When you don't see Highway Department news in the headlines, that news is sure to be good.


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