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mailmanTo the Editor:

Your recent editorial, 'Lansing Must Have Money to Throw Away', is a perfect illustration of the fiscal challenges many of our school districts, including Lansing, are grappling with today.

In an effort to reduce spending and meet the state’s 2% property tax cap, many schools have been cutting teachers, classroom resources and eliminating after-school programs. Fortunately, there are still some things that can be done to reduce spending and put cash where it belongs – the classroom.

One legislative solution, supported by the New York School Bus Contractors Association, is to eliminate the sales taxes on school buses. Doing this would help save school districts in New York over $14 million per year.

The legislature and Governor exempted private coach buses from the sales tax in the 90’s. Transit buses, commercial airplanes, ferry boats, fishing vessels, tractors, semi-trailers and even race horses have also been excluded from this tax.

Right now, the State and school districts pay state and local sales tax on the purchase of school buses as part of their transportation contracts.  School districts that use private school bus contractors currently pay, as a portion of their transportation contracts, the costs associated with the sales tax too.

Exempting school buses, along with the fuel used to transport our students, is long overdue and the right thing to do.

Another savings option is for school districts to switch to private school bus operators instead of continuing to provide their own transportation at a higher cost.  School districts across the state have been able to reduce their transportation costs by an average of 20% without any compromise at all in safety just by using private transportation providers.  Despite these savings, many school districts, including Lansing CSD, continue to provide their own busing.

Both of these measures could help bring some fiscal relief to schools, our state and taxpayers without sacrificing safety or a quality education.

Robert Pape (President NYSBCA)
Port Washington, NY

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