- By Chris Pettograsso
- Opinions

Dear Editor,
Today is School-Related Professionals Recognition Day in New York State. The third Tuesday in November is the day designated by the state Legislature as a special statewide recognition day for School-Related Professionals. SRPs work long and hard each day working side-by-side as partners in education with other school staff on both the front lines and behind the scene.
SRPs help to educate our children and keep them healthy. SRPs safely transport children to and from school, keep our buildings safe and clean, run the offices efficiently and provide nutritious food. SRPs care for and support our children each and every day.
Who are SRPs? SRPs are our school bus drivers and attendants, cafeteria workers, teaching assistants and aides, school nurses, maintenance and grounds keepers, clerical and support staff in your schools. Don’t forget to say “thank you” to an SRP!
If you would like to thank a School-Related Professional but do not know how to reach them, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will be sure to share your gratitude.
I am extremely thankful for the dedication of our SRPs employed at Lansing Central School District and feel honored to be working with such dedicated professionals.
Chris Pettograsso
Lansing Superintendent of Schools