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mailmanDear Editor,

As you know, I moved to Germany a year and a half ago and, of course, still miss the area and friends very much, so it was quite amazing that when I was in Budapest, Hungary, last summer for a scientific conference that I ran into a couple from the Lansing area.

I was having breakfast in the Budapest Hilton on Castle Hill when I heard English being spoken at a neighboring table.  While not especially surprising to hear English at an international hotel, they said something (I don't remember exactly what) that made me perk up and listen.  Finally, my curiosity got the better of me, and I went over to their table and introduced myself.

They were Dick and Kay Moore of Moore Tree Farm fame!  Since my family and I had cut our Christmas trees at their farm every year, I'm sure we must have seen them there but I never really met them.  It was so great to see and talk with people from my former home area.  We reminisced a bit and then went our separate ways.  But now that Christmas-tree time is upon us, my mind wanders back to those fun days of cutting our special tree and carting it home for the holidays.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (or to be PC, Happy Holidays),


Richard A. Durst
Köfering, Germany

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