- By Lynn Goldfarb
- Opinions
The threat is global warming. The Paris Climate Agreement was always going to be too little too late, but we have a much simpler, faster, more effective and realistic solution with a global “domino” effect which will make other nations cut their emissions as much as we do or be punished economically.
It works on the principal of self interest. It doesn’t ask anyone to give up anything or make any sacrifices —except for polluting fossil fuel corporations. It makes them pay an escalating carbon pollution fee, all of which goes to every taxpayer in equal monthly “carbon dividend” checks. And the amount of those checks keeps going up every year.
That allows people to make more and more money each year by using their “carbon dividend” money to buy cheaper clean energy. This will create over 5 million U.S. jobs (Stanford University’s solutionsproject.org) and increase our GDP $75-80 billion annually (citizensclimatelobby.org).
It’s worked in British Columbia for eight years, lowering taxes and energy bills, and the best economy of any Canadian province (The Economist).
We really can save the world while making the vast majority of Americans financially better off with this simple policy. It’s genius.
Lynn Goldfarb
Lancaster PA