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mailmanTo the point:

In my opinion Lansing is at a critical time in her history. There are tough decisions still to be made. There are courageous decisions still to be made. There are fair and respectful decions still to be made. Doug Dake and Robert Cree have a history of making those type of decisions to benefit Lansing.

1. Reserve Policy passed
2. Fund Balance passed
3. Equipment Policy developed for Highway Dept and Parks and Rec Dept.
4. Nova Lane situation rectified
5. Village Solars PDA rectified
6. Myers Road safety concerns addressed
7. Solar Park started at old power plant site
8. Water districts proposed
9. Sewer creation, expansion and impovement started with the Village of Lansing and Village of Cayuga Heights.
10. Relationships created and strengthened with other municipalities, especially Village of Lansing and Village of Cayuga Heights.
11. Improvement of town of Lansing campus infrastructure ( roof, boiler, server, air conditioning)
12. Myers Park upgrades, paving of entire park

This was all accomplished while maintaining the current tax rate.

There are more examples that could be mentioned.

We have accomplished alot, but our job has just began.

Lansing needs team players. Lansing has team players with Robert Cree and Doug Dake. Lansing needs Robert Cree and Doug Dake for four more years.

Please vote for Robert Cree and Doug Dake on Nov. 7th for the Lansing's continued success.

Ed LaVigne, Lansing Town Supervisor
Lansing, NY
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