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mailmanI wish to endorse Richard Costello for the position of Lansing Town Justice. Richard has been both, a friend and co-worker for over 43 years. In terms of our working relationship I have always found him dependable, punctual and efficient. Over the years Richard excelled at the projects and tasks undertaken. He has always been a good decision maker and maintains order under difficult situations. Never shied away from difficult projects focusing instead upon a successful completion.

Richard will work diligently to represent the town of Lansing, a place he has called “home” for 40+ years. He will listen to the communities’ problems and needs. His willingness to examine the issues and listen closely to the questions and concerns will set him apart from the other candidates. I believe he will be a true advocate for all Lansing residents.

I support Richard Costello for the position of Lansing Town Justice.

Dick Deibert
Fernandina Beach, FL

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