- By Joanne Cipolla-Dennis
- Opinions

Ed is actually quite rational, reasonable and respectful to me as a woman and moreover as a lesbian. Ed is instrumental in leading Lansing to be an inclusive community by meeting with me in person. We discussed how Lansing could be a leader in solving the local epidemic of avoidable deaths of gay, lesbian and transgender and rising homelessness for these Americans.
Ed is current supervisor and his profession as a pharmacist adds to his ability to understand the LGBTQ population to be the most under served and at risk groups due to family abandonment and being ignored by public servants.This leads to illnesses, isolation and death. All these are avoidable with focused leadership. Ed chose to lead Lansing, his church and the local Republican party to a necessary place in spending time learning how to become inclusive. Ed learned there is a urgent need for educated leadership to initiate steps to provide safe, dedicated housing for youth, elders. A focus on safe, LGBTQ+ entertainment, vacation spaces generates billions in new economies and Lansing can provide this with Ed's continued focus.
These are solutions that save lives, enhance health and wellness and create a many new permanent jobs for people within the LGBTQ population who need to work within our culture.
I am a former officer and service member and know many gay veterans in need of housing. Ed LaVigne is a man intent on listening to get an understanding and act on that. He was the first to raise the rainbow flag making visible Lansing's commitment in celebrating June as Pride month and is the first and only Republican in Tompkins County to do so.
I fully support Ed LaVigne for supervisor due to his record. The Democratic candidate did not want to meet with me before the election.
Joanne Cipolla-Dennis
Dryden, NY