- By Doug Baird
- Opinions

The timing of these "anonymous flyers," their media disclosure, and the way everything neatly dovetailed into a well-funded "fear and smear" campaign goes a long way to support suspicions that it was no coincidence.
The Democrats and their media friends were very quick to jump in and take advantage of this "incident" and further blacken reputations with their new found ethical evangelism. Coincidentally none of them seem interested in finding the "anonymous" source or even condemning the perpetrators.
Having gotten what they want, the Democrats will now flip faces and talk about how this is "dividing" us and it should be put behind us.
It's enough to make a cat laugh.
Where were their ethics when they supported the Cornell Cooperative Extension policy that "nobody but farmers deserve to live in north Lansing," and helped by carving them out a big chunk of Lansing while excluding 95% of the people living there from any representation or benefit. A policy that the Democrats still continue to support.
Then CCE and Cornell created the myth of "rural sprawl," and insisted it was essential that south Lansing be developed to prevent this disaster — resulting in the Ithaca Urban Sprawl Bedroom Community that is ever-expanding in south Lansing today.
There is no future for an independent Lansing in the plans of Tompkins County's Democrats — just a place to use for a dumping ground and developed for the benefit of Ithaca and Cornell.
The only value of history is to learn from it. So it's time to look back to the Kathy Miller era and the Big Lansing Share-out, and compare the big winners then with the big Democratic contributors now. Because "Preserving the heart and soul of Lansing as it grows" really means "Grab a seat at the table, they're going to cut the pie!"
Doug Baird
Lansing, NY