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We have a critical choice to make November 7: Will the next two years be more of the same, or do we need a change?

The Republican administration and Congress have had six years to catch Osama bin Laden, solve our health care crisis, and improve life for American families. Yet bin Laden remains at large, the number of uninsured grows yearly, and the gap between rich and poor is greater than ever (especially in New York). Iraq has made us less safe, according to all 16 of our intelligence agencies, while costing nearly 3,000 American lives and $500 billion. So far.

That’s not all: Katrina, record deficits, Congressional corruption, the list goes on. November’s election is a referendum on this dismal record.

In upstate New York we’ve had our own disappointments. Our kids are leaving in droves, more people are uninsured, jobs are evaporating and taxes are up. All this during Ray Meier’s ten-year stint in the State Senate’s Republican majority. Yet he’s running for Congress on this record.

Instead I’m voting for Michael Arcuri, Oneida County District Attorney since 1993. He’ll fight for affordable health care for all and oppose Congressional pay raises unless the minimum wage goes up. Like Congressman Boehlert, but unlike Meier, he supports life-saving stem cell research.

Most important, “stay the course” in Iraq won’t fix that disaster; we need a change. I’ve had enough of a Congress that just rubber-stamps this administration’s mistakes. Have you? Vote for Mike Arcuri for Congress.

Martha Robertson
Town of Dryden


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