- By Dan Veaner
- Opinions

As portions of New York State enter Phase 1 of reopening today, CBS News reports that in the wake of the Wisconsin Supreme Court striking down Governor Tony Evers' stay-at-home order on Wednesday, the bars are packed. One can hope for a good outcome, but logic dictates that until an effective COVID-19 vaccine is developed and distributed, going back to normal is wishful thinking.
There are probably plenty of people in Wisconsin who have figured this out and are acting accordingly. But there are probably quite a few people there whose employers will require them to return to work, and not necessarily with safety practices related to the virus. I am not a fan of our New York Governor by any means, but on this one issue his caution and adherence to recommendations of actual scientists makes sense. Or to put it succinctly: unless there is a vaccine or a cure (there are neither at the moment) this virus can still kill you.
I think we all share in wishful thinking. Most people I know miss being with each other, and while online alternatives to social gatherings have helped dull the pain, it's not the same as giving someone a welcome hug. There is nothing wrong with wishing. But when we wish so strongly that we ignore facts that may make our wishes impossible at this time, we are inviting disaster.
The framework of government and politics is irrelevant to the coronavirus. Do you think the virus reads the New York Times or the Wisconsin State Journal or the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel? All it cares about is riding the wind when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes, and finding a new person to infect. So even if we make it to Phase 4 of New York's reopening plan, what makes anyone think the virus will care?
"Oh, look!" says one coronavirus to another. "Wisconsin says we have to stop infecting people because its business as usual. I guess we'll have to sit this one out and play a few games of Parcheesi." Or more likely, the coronavirus is exclaiming, "Hey look at these fools drinking their beer and spitting into the air! Woohoo! Let's ride the wave!"
As of yesterday the CDC reported there were 82,246 American deaths due to the coronavirus. That's a lot of dead people who weren't otherwise going to die as soon as they did. Wisconsin only had 418 of those deaths, as compared to 27,282 here in New York. But if however many of those virus blobs that are needed to infect you attach themselves to your cells you're going to catch it. Most people recover, but people who are especially in high risk groups (seniors, for example) can look forward to much more than mere discomfort.
So who is right? The Wisconsin Supreme Court or the New York Governor? Maybe one, maybe both, maybe neither. But common sense urges caution, because once you're dead you probably can't go back and fix it. As for wishful thinking, well we all need something to wish for. That makes it all the sweeter when we get the something.
Saying the something has arrived isn't the same thing as it actually being here.