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EditorialEditorialI must be the most clueless editor in the United States, if not the world, because I still can't figure out why Paris Hilton has dominated the mainstream news media for so long, and especially during her recent jail debacle.  Why is someone with apparently so little substance so interesting to the media?  Do CNN anchors feel such simpatico with Hilton that they think it is worth turning Headline News into Hilton News?  I don't think I've ever seen so much ado about nothing.

If Hilton isn't actually a vapid spoiled brat without a clue she has certainly capitalized on the persona (a hint that she is smarter than she acts, or someone around her is).  Conspiracy theorists might infer that she broke the terms of her probation so that she would be jailed and get millions worth of free publicity.  But I put the blame on the so-called respectable journalists who think that either a dumb act or a dumb person is more newsworthy than things that actually impact our daily lives.

Reports that ABC and NBC were willing to pay up to $1 million for the use of Hilton's personal videos and photographs astound me.  Maybe that's because the Lansing Star has no budget for that sort of thing.  Maybe because I know those networks thought they could make back their investment in spades by hawking perpetuating the clueless, vapid persona Hilton has capitalized on.  Maybe because I know those financial calculations were on spot!

Interestingly, if reports are to believed, Hilton herself is saying that it was all an irresponsible act, and that she now wants to use her fame and fortune for good.  Hilton told E! News, one of the only 'news' outlets that could reasonably justify their Hilton frenzy, that the media has exploited her.  She said, "(I'm) frankly sick of it, and I want to use my fame in a good way."

That remains to be seen.  But in the meanwhile wouldn't it be swell if the major news outlets reported on -- and I know this is a novel concept -- er... news?  Events that actually impact peoples' lives?  Significant events, heroic acts, major issues, actually impressive people...

Aw, forget it -- I must just be clueless!

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