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Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorI am a volunteer for the Lansing Library and am writing to correct some of the misinformation about the Lansing Library appearing recently in your newspaper.   The building was not condemned, but, rather, it was deemed too small and was inaccessible for persons with mobility handicaps, and therefore could no longer be  used as the Town Hall.

Before doing renovations, the library engaged a structural engineer who  inspected the building and declared it a sound structure.  The early renovations included new heat and air-conditioning systems to maintain the correct temperature and humidity levels for books and patrons.  Prior to shelving books, we consulted downtown library administrators about potential problems with mildew and other things that could harm our fledgling collection.  The last renovation has made the building fully accessible for those with mobility handicaps.

We invite writers of letters critical of the library to visit the library regularly to see our facility and  use the materials.  Indeed, since we added over 300 new patrons in 2007, we invite the writers and others to consider volunteering to help us meet the growing demand for services.

Suzanne Hinderliter
Lansing, NY

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