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Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorI applaud the School Board and new administrator for trying to keep the budget increase as small as possible. 

I do not, however, understand why there should be an increase at all.

  1. Former administration blamed for overspending - new administration apparently has that problem covered with 1.3 mil decrease in proposed budget.
  2. All Tompkins County schools will be receiving a minimum of a 7% increase in state aid this year.
  3. Real Estate in Tompkins County has undergone reassessment which increased   the value of most substantially.
  4. New houses are still being built, perhaps at a slower rate, but still going up.
I believe, with the decrease in budget amount and additional money being realized, our school tax should have remained stationary.

We are all loosing ground financially with the economic related problems of late and this just makes a growing burden worse.

From: Gail Van Wicklen
Lansing, NY 

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