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Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorDear Editor:

This is a message for college students who support Barack Obama. You may register to vote here in NYS by October 10 and vote in Ithaca. However, if your family's place of residence is a swing state, you should strongly consider voting absentee. NYS is already a blue state, but your state may need your vote to turn the corner for Obama.

Do you come from Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Michigan? Is your home in Nevada, Colorado, or New Mexico? Is your official residence in Virginia, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, Iowa, or Minnesota? If so, follow these steps.

1) Make sure you are registered to vote in your home state. See http :// to fill out a registration form. Deadlines are coming up!

2) Visit and fill out an absentee ballot application for your home state.
Parents of students attending school in the states listed above: Encourage your children to vote in the swing state. Remember, it's the Electoral College that counts. It's only right that college students should make the difference there!

Brian K. Hunt
City of Ithaca
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