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Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorToo often, rhetoric used in  defense of, or opposition to a particular issue, is just that, rhetoric. Your Editorial: 'Tearing Down Our Library' however was so much more, and I applaud you.

You stated the tax is miniscule, as in 'less than the cost of one new hardcover book per year'. I do agree that if the future reveals uncontrollable increases in the library taxes, then the community should address this issue. However after one year, to petition to have the library 'torpedoed', as you so eloquently stated, I believe is a bit premature.

Thank you Dan Veaner for making a solid case to give the Lansing Community Library some breathing room, for at least another year.

Marty Christopher, lifelong resident and present member of the Lansing Town Board
Lansing, N.Y. 14882
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