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ImageThe past few weeks have been exceptional. Our normal weather for this time of year has been replaced by an unusually warm stretch that sent the temperature into the high 80°'s. Lawn mowers have been out a week earlier than normal. The yellow jackets, hornets, and honey bees seem to have gotten an early start as well.

Spring announces its arrival in various ways. Traditions have been established in every region of the country marking the end of winter and the beginning of a new season. The swallows faithfully return to the Mission at San Juan Capistrano in California. Along the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC the Cherry Blossoms unfurl their vibrant pink and white flowers offering a magnificent display of natural beauty.

Individuals from across the country and from around the world flock to these and other wonders of nature to witness and experience the timeless message of spring's promise of renewal. Even during these difficult economic times, there is still a feeling of optimism in the air- a hope that things can and will get better. Perhaps that is why all of us look forward to these simple events with such anticipation.

Lansing, too, has a tradition by which it marks the passing of winter and welcomes the arrival of spring. At first, you hardly notice the faint cloud of white smoke coming from the town ball fields on Auburn Road. But as you drive closer, you begin to see the faint outline of a very large grilling apparatus surrounded by men and women. The car continues toward the activity alongside the road, and you begin to wonder if you are seeing a mirage.


Without hesitation, you roll down your window, and with great anticipation you breathe in deeply. The smell is unmistakable. It is the aroma of barbequed chicken. You smile, and perhaps wave to those working the grill. It is spring. That first smell awakens a real sense of renewal. After a very cold and icy winter, the sight, the sound and the smell of a barbeque is a sure guarantee that things can only get better.


Everyone takes a turn at bringing this joy into our lives. From fire and rescue squads to sports teams, churches and civic organizations, the beginning of outdoor barbeques is a sure sign that this community has awakened from its hibernation and is ready for action.


These organizations serve up barbequed chicken, beef, and other treats as a way to foster community spirit, provide an opportunity for friends and family to gather and share a meal, and to earn some money to ensure that they can continue their services.


Perhaps you may never have need of the volunteer fire company or rescue squad, but it is reassuring to know that these and other organizations are just a phone call away from assisting you with any need that might occur. So when you see that cloud of smoke wafting across Auburn Road and watch those men and women working near that intense heat pull into the parking lot and buy a few dinners. And when you get home, take a moment to give thanks for the good and kind folks who work so hard to make our town such a wonderful place to live.

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