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ImageI am on a fixed income and must constantly watch what I spend.

The fact that there are many others in our community who can't afford any additional expenses, due to being without a job or on a fixed income, does not seem to matter to those involved with the library.


The amount may seem nominal to many but added to the "numerous "seemingly" insignficant fees it is too much.


  1. Why should I pay for another library when I am already paying for the Tompkins County Library, which I am sure would be willing to supply library service in Lansing as in the past?
  2. Why should the library cost be added to the School tax bill?
  3. Exactly who uses the library and when? I never see much activity there and have never spoken with anyone who uses or has used the library since it opened.
  4. If my children were still in school I believe that they would be more inclined to utilize the TC Library and not Lansing.


At this point, my vote is still YES.


From: Gail Van Wicklen

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