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ImageI was glad to read Dan Veaner's editorial about his experience with the unescapable "black hole" of Lansing as good place to live. I moved to Lansing 23 years ago, although I had owned my lovely lakeside property since 1979. After an amicable divorce, I decided to make Lansing Station Rd. my home and started renovating my funny little house by the lake.

I soon discovered some of the treasures of Lansing. Although I moved from West Dryden to Lansing, I previously had been mostly involved in all-things-Ithaca (those 10 square miles...). Slowly, I discovered a new world out here in "reality". Although I might not have agreed with opinions of some of my neighbors and townfolk, I came to appreciate our differences.

And I love living on a road that is both lakeside and country woods, with a diverse population of good people!  Lansing Station Road is like one of our little villages or hamlets of Lansing, similar to wonderful Ludlowville. We have super neighborhood parties, many of us meet and greet our neighbors while we walk dogs up and down the road and the RR track, and we all look out for each other. And living by the lake is a treasure for which I am grateful every day!

Myers Park is another treasure of Lansing and provides a great place for the whole community to get together in private or public gatherings. Having come from a small farming village in western New York, I also appreciate that we still have working farms in Lansing; they, too, make me feel "at home". Don't forget all the chicken BBQs -- yum!

Like Dan, I am impressed and inspired by the wonderful volunteer effort that builds so many good things in Lansing. All the good works of the Lansing Community Council, the Lansing Historical Association, the Lansing Community Library, the Fire Halls, the school and church groups, and other groups help make life here rich indeed. Our Town Recreation Department helps round out the many different activities offered to Lansing residents.

Yep, life here in "reality" is good. And being close to that "10 square miles" nearby isn't too shabby either.

From: Donna Scott

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