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EditorialIn late January it was reported that almost $9 billion of money that was supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq was unaccounted for.  The Coalition Provisional Authority  that was charged with spending the money apparently couldn't fill out a check register, or something.  On top of that, they couldn't really say whether everyone who was paid actually existed.  For example, an audit verified that 602 guards existed at one ministry, but 8,206 were listed on the payroll.

We've all misplaced things.  How many times have you put something in that 'special place' so you will remember where to find it later, only to be stumped for the rest of your life as to the location of 'that special place'?  But misplacing $9 billion is just plain careless, if you ask me.

I can't even imagine the stress that puts the money managers under.  I mean, I went ballistic when my kid's cell phone fell out of his pocket at a party.  His friend plopped it in his pocket, evidently intending to return it, but forgot and left town.  By the time he got back my son had left town.  They were both careless, but a misplaced cell phone pales next to $8.8 billion dollars.

The last time I lost something I decided that if I ever do find that 'special place' I'll be rich.  All the socks and coins, papers, the thing that holds the wheel on the lawn tractor,and who knows what else will be there.  Then I thought, what if everybody's 'special place' is the same place?

I'd be filthy rich!  And now that I know that $9B is there I am frantically searching for it.  So if there is no issue of the Lansing Star next week, it will because I am tearing the house apart looking for that 'special place.'  I know I'll find it. I know I will!

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