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mailmanI disagree with the points made in Matthew Binkewicz's piece of June 16. I am a resident of Ludlowville, and in my opinion, the warm, personal spirit that pervades our community can certainly withstand the presence of a couple of fences.

To call fences, variously, "crimes against community," "a stake through the very heart of a community," "draconian fortresses," and a "construction nightmare" is surely an exaggeration and gives mere wooden structures way too much power.

Two fences won't change what I have personally experienced living in Ludlowville: neighbors gathering weekly for happy hour, friends delivering meals to the sick and to families of newborns, folks stopping their walks to chat, strangers delivering errant dogs to the correct yard.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I believe we as Ludlowvillians can rise above the need to criticize each other for the personal, legal, decision-making we engage in on our own properties.

However, if the aesthetic standards of Ludlowville are in question, perhaps we could focus our attention on blighted, neglected properties and illegal trash dumping, rather than criticizing legal renovations.

I am sorry that Fr. Binkewicz equates building a fence with the death of community. If he does not live in Ludlowville, perhaps that is true in his neighborhood. But I don't believe that is actually what is happening here in this special hamlet I call home.

Ann Marie Stanley
Ludlowville/Lansing, NY

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