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mailmanIf the President believes, as I do, that getting Americans back to work will drive the country’s economic growth, he needs to commit to creating an environment that allows all Americans to succeed. How we go about doing that is where the President and I differ. I believe the focus needs to be on growing jobs, not government.

What we’re missing is action. We’ve heard some of the same sentiments coming from the President in previous speeches but the fact remains we have more than 12 million Americans unemployed and a $16.5 trillion national debt. Anyone looking at our country’s finances can see that job creation is being stifled under our debt and the threat of higher taxes. Our debt and the threat of higher taxes create uncertainty in our economy which keeps job creators and entrepreneurs on the sideline.

A bigger government requires more taxpayer dollars, your tax dollars. But unlike the President, I believe taxpayer dollars should be spent on investing in infrastructure, public safety, national security and economic development rather than simply continually feeding our oversized government bureaucracy. Another tax increase from this administration means fewer dollars in American families’ wallets.

The President wants to raise taxes again but I believe there is a better way. We need to adopt policies that provide the opportunity for all Americans to prosper – not policies that increase taxes on them and punish their hard work. We should be encouraging innovation and ingenuity, not restricting and punishing them.    

We’ve been open about our desire to work with the President in moving our country away from high unemployment and out of debt. We’ve reached out to the White House but have received no response. But our door remains open. I truly hope these next four years are different.

U.S. Congressman Tom Reed

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