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mailmanAs the race for county court judge draws near, we write in support of Pamela Bleiwas.

Pam has the experience and objectivity that is necessary to hold a position of this magnitude.  The ability to make life-altering decisions for families should not be left to those with agendas or current ties to the Department of Social Services.  Families deserve and indeed are entitled to a Judge who will provide independent conclusions, not biased assessments.  Pam has extensive experience representing children and families, which is critical for making certain that children have a voice.

When we met Pam, we were immediately struck not only by her obvious intelligence, but also by her genuineness and kindness. We will cast our vote for Pam in the Democratic Primary on September 10 with enthusiasm and optimism for better solutions and fair judgments.

Anne Serling & Doug Sutton
Ithaca, New York


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