- By Tom Coffin
- Sports

Cancer hits millions of family’s every year and this season it hit the Outlaw family. The Finger Lakes Regional Central Outlaw Squirt season has come to an end but it didn’t come easy. They practiced hard and played their games, but their hearts were with the families of those fighting this terrible disease.
This past season cancer has hit home to the Central Outlaws’ family, and it only took one player to step up and do what he could to help fight this disease. Dane Sciarabba decided to help the fight by donating $10.00 for every goal he scored and $5.00 for every assist from January 2017 to the end of the season. He was not alone, his grandfather said he would match his total and two teammates joined in as well, Brady Coffin and Blake Carlisle.
From January to the end of the season the team played with a mission. The team played with a heavy heart, they overcame diversity, picked each other up when they were down and most of all they played as a team. The boys didn’t have a set amount to reach but they wanted to get as many goals and assists as they could to not only help their team but those that were battling cancer.
In the end they totaled $690.00 dollars which will be donated to cancer research (Golisano Children's Hospital) and presented to Shane Prince of the New York Islanders at his annual 'Beach Hockey Classic' benefit this summer.