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football2What time is it?

What time is it?  Listen to the Small Fry football practice, and they’ll tell you.  They will tell you “IT’S FOOTBALL TIME!!!”.   Summer is winding down and instead of camps and cannonballs in the lake school is getting ready to start.  For some very energetic sixth and seventh graders it is also the start of Senior Small Fry football.   

This year some of the Junior Small Fry players are reuniting to play together, and are joined by some new talent.  Regardless of their experience, all of the players are excited and motivated.

Practices these first two weeks are every day, Monday through Thursday evening.  The first week of August 23rd, the weather had cool fall-like temperatures.  However, this week the players are in their first full week with all their gear including helmets, shoulder pads and other equipment and the temperatures have been in the 90’s.  This hasn’t dampened the effort of the kids.  Instead every player continues to work hard, support one another and along with the coaches, make sure their teammates are staying well hydrated.

As the second week of practices wind down, the weather is sunny and hot, but the coaches and the boys are pulling closer together as a team.  Shouts from the coaches give praise, guidance, discipline and motivation.  At the end of practice the players are hot, sweaty, tired and sore.  Yet they still huddle together and loudly cheer as a team with anticipation for working together this year as Lansing’s Senior Small Fry team. 

The first scrimmage is being held at Ithaca High School on Sunday, September 12, 2010.  Games start at 2:00 pm.

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