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ToThePointLogoRepublican Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich offered up an idea to end poverty among poor young children.  He stated that, "Really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works, so they literally have no habit of showing up on Monday." He added that these poor kids ought to be hired as janitors in their schools.  As everyone knows, poor kids never see anyone work at home unless it is in some illegal activity. 

He is right on the mark.  However, the poor children of America should not be hired as custodians.  These jobs require too many skills and might be too dangerous.  Newt and other politicians might believe that the janitor is a person who simply sweeps hallways, mops floors, and washes chalk boards.  This is what many perceive as their tasks, but a closer inspection of their actual job description will provide insight into their daily routine.

The responsibilities of a school janitor are varied and often too numerous to remember.  The average custodian must possess skills in basic electricity, plumbing, small engine repair, carpentry, group safety and security, and basic common sense.  He or she serves on call as a guardian and will often wait with a child until a parent arrives.  Janitors and custodial staff perform above and beyond the call of duty for a paycheck that falls short of their real worth.  This job is no match for a 7 or 8 year old child. 

But there is a job for which many poor children would quality:  the professional politician.  Like poor children, today’s elected officials spend most of their day in leisure time activity avoiding any work that contributes to the well being of this country.

Like poor children, they blame others for their irresponsible behavior.  From stalled legislation and a stagnant economy to the decline in moral leadership, Newt and others behave more like spoiled brats than adults.  They are self centered, self absorbed, and will stand across the room with their hands in their ears yelling “Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!” while those with a differing opinion are speaking. 

They are often disruptive and concerned with satisfying their immediate needs.  Poor children across this country would find the lifestyle of elected politicians to be second nature.  The money earned as an elected official would fall right in line with Newt’s understanding as income from an illegal activity.  

Another benefit from having poor children serve as lawmakers is that Congress is rarely in session on Mondays.  These kids have no habit of showing up on Mondays, thus their orientation would be brief, if needed at all. 

Poor children should not be asked to serve as part time custodians in their schools.  The job is too demanding and requires a wide range of knowledge and skills.  They should be encouraged to find employment as en elected official, part time, just like the ones in Congress.  And that is to the point.

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