- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

Ward was known for his more famous creations, Rocky and Bullwinkle. So little did anyone suspect in the late '60s that Ward would be the one to crack the mystery of climate change. He laid out his theory on October 3rd, 1967 in a Super Chicken segment on the George of the Jungle Show.

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And it turns out the environmentalists are partially right: climate change is man-made. It seems that the Evil Prince Blackhole of Calcutta hates the hot weather in India, so he begins mailing elephants to the other side of the world. The weight of the elephants shifts the planet until it snows in India and sets the weather everywhere else off kilter.
Meanwhile Henry Cabot Henhouse, III aka. Super Chicken and his sidekick Fred are in search of the world's best liverwurst. Fred has heard that a new deli has just opened in New Delhi, so they climb into the super coup and speed off to India. They come across the elephant shipping scheme while trying to find the deli, and that spells the end for Prince Blackhole.
So if Senator Jim Inhofe, (who threw a snowball in the U.S. Senate last week, claiming that global warming is not happening) had done his homework all he had to do was go back to 1967 to find the real cause.
A fun fact: Bill Scott, who voiced Bullwinkle, was the voice of Super Chicken. But in the first pilot Don Knotts of 'The Anyy Griffith Show' fame was the voice of the feathered hero.