by Ashley Fleming

Eeyore was rescued from an out of county hoarding case and had very little human interaction in his first couple years of life. He was put into a foster home to receive a little extra TLC and to avoid having him wait for his forever home in the shelter. While he was very nervous and scared at first, he is adjusting well and his playful personality has quickly emerged. Eeyore enjoys following his foster mom (and the other dogs and cat) around the house and wants to be included in whatever is going on. He is housetrained, but a little hesitant to go outside on his own. A fenced yard would be ideal in his new home so that he can race around and play. While at first he wasn’t too comfortable being pet and quick movements frightened him, he has improved and does allow his foster mom to pet him and scratch his back while they watch TV. Any adopter would get great satisfaction out of bringing this little guy even further out of his shell. If you’re up for the challenge and willing to help Eeyore reach his full potential, contact the SPCA adoption staff at 607-257-1822 ext. 221 to set up a time to meet him!
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