- By Kerry A. Barnes
- Around Town

The film tells the inspiring story of tough construction contractor turned animal rescuer Eddie Lama. A film festival favorite, The Witness has won seven Best Documentary awards and one Best of Festival award. Los Angeles Times columnist Howard Rosenberg wrote, “The Witness is one man’s truth that cries out for mass exposure… may be the most important and persuasive film about animals ever made.”
“Eddie Lama, who learned about violence through his own rites of passage on the mean streets of Brooklyn, now speaks with eloquence, passion and humility about the pressing need to protect the vulnerable,” said actor William Baldwin. “That a man with his life experience could be so completely transformed by spending time with a kitten is a testimony both to the magic of the human-animal relationship and the magic of the human spirit."
The Tompkins Trust Company Institute for Humane Education will offer a wide range of humane education opportunities, films, field trips, symposiums, conferences and workshops in the course of the TC SPCA’s efforts to provide public education as a complement to its life-saving mission. The site of the institute on the SPCA campus is a modern auditorium seating over 100 and offering multi-media capabilities.
About Tribe of Heart: Producer James LaVeck and Director Jenny Stein founded their Ithaca, New York-based non-profit production company, Tribe of Heart, to fill an unmet need for films that explore the human potential to respond toinjustice with creativity and non-violence. Online Press Kit available at: www.tribeofheart.org/presskit.htm
About The Tompkins County SPCA: The Tompkins County SPCA is the nation’s only Open Admission, No Kill companion animal shelter, its goal to save every adoptable animal in Tompkins County. The shelter has the highest save rate in the United States, and provides a wide range of services.