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Lansing MarketWhen you do your civic duty by voting your reward is being an active participant in our democracy.  But everyone likes a treat, and with that in mind Lansing Market is offering a free cup of coffee to voters next Tuesday morning from 7am until noon.

"We're as interested as any local Lansing resident to make sure that everybody gets out to vote," says store manager Sandro Mironti.  So as an incentive we would like to do something for the people who get out and make the effort.  So we're making the offer of a free 12 ounce cup of coffee as long as they come into our store wearing their 'I Voted' sticker.  We're doing that as a community service, as a small reward to thank everybody for voting."

After voting be sure to get your 'I Voted' sticker, then go to the Lansing Market Deli, where you can pour your own coffee.  You can enjoy it in the seating area at the front of the store, or take it with you.

"We don't care who they vote for.  It's not a political thing," Mironti says.  "It's more important that they actually get out and vote.  Everybody has their own opinion, their own candidates that they want for whatever decisions need to be made for our community.  But the most important thing is that people make the effort to go out and vote."

Mironti says the store has been increasing its stock of seasonal meats, turkeys, hams, organic milk, deli and pre-made dinners.

"We want people to really experience the store as a great little niche that we have in our community, and take advantage of what we have here," he says.  And it's very important that people in the area stay informed about what is happening in our community.  That does nothing but help the community as a whole."

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