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 Lansing's Advice Column

Dear IMO,

I want to host a family reunion this summer. There’s just one problem—none of my family knows about it. What should I do to get the word out? Is it too late to have a reunion this year? Any ideas about what to have at the event?


Dear Tracy,

Rule #1: It’s never too late to host a party.

Rule #2: Cold beer and barbeque will even get grumpy Uncle Jake off the  couch and at the reunion.

You may have gotten off to a late start, but that should not deter you from hosting a family reunion. You ought to do an initial phone call to relatives that live within an hour or two drive of the event. Determine the best day/weekend for the event and schedule it. Then you can mail out or email invitations to all the family and await the response.

Do not become discouraged if turnout is low the first year since this is the first news of such an event. Schedule the reunion at a state park that has plenty of outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, hiking, etc. If the park has a covered picnic pavilion, then you ought to reserve it. It will serve you well regardless of the weather conditions.

Aside from the traditional fare, you might want to create some innovative ways to celebrate your family. Design a really cool tee shirt with the year, a family logo, and a photo of Grandpa and Grandma prominently displayed (or the family homestead). Create your own family trivial pursuit: “What year did Grandpa emigrate from Eastern Trans-Carpathia? How many cups of brandy go into Aunt Chickie’s bacon, banana, boloney, brandy baked bonanza?” Make a CD Rom, a video, or power point slide show of a host of family photos and let it run throughout the day. Relatives can stop by any time to view the priceless moments caught on film over the years.

All of these ideas might be just the thing to get relatives to come this or perhaps next year. In any event, have a great time and make sure Uncle Jake has a ride home.

E-mail your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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