- By Geoff Dunn
- Around Town

The Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management (TCRMM) is pleased to announce the opening of its newest Food Scraps Recycling Drop Spot in the City of Ithaca.
Beginning August 9th, the drop spot will operate every Wednesday from 4pm to 6pm in the parking lot of the Ithaca Coffee Company's roasting facility at the corner of Fifth and Hancock Streets on Ithaca's Northside.
This free service offers residents the opportunity to expand their waste diversion options while reducing trash disposal costs. The program accepts all food scraps, including meat, bones, and dairy products, as well as paper towels and napkins.
This is Tompkins County's 12th food scraps drop spot, with another opening this fall in Danby. "The goal is to make food scraps recycling accessible to more County residents," said TCRMM Director Barbara Eckstrom, "while offering a service that is clean, comfortable and convenient."
"The Drop Spot program continues to grow in popularity," said Nancy Webster, a Waste Reduction and Recycling Specialist for the County. "The Sunday drop spot at Cornell Cooperative Extension is one of our busiest, so we're happy to offer an additional, midweek site for the Northside and Fall Creek neighborhoods."