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In preparing last week's article on road and drainage improvements to Ludlowville I spent part of an afternoon walking around the historic hamlet.  With all its hills, it was a pretty good workout, but I was surprised at how short the distances were and how easy it was to walk around.  Of course, I have been exercising for the past two years, so perhaps I'd have felt differently before that.  I took a lot of pictures, many that were not for the article.  Since I have always somewhat idealized the beautiful hamlet, I thought I would end this year with some visions of Ludlowville.

Salmon CreekSalmon Creek looking toward Ludlowville Falls

Dug RoadWatching a fisherman from Dug Road Bridge

Dug RoadThere used to be mills on Dug Road

Dug Road BridgeDug Road Bridge

FishingFishing in Salmon Creek on a cool day

Ludlowville RoadSchool's out

B and BFederal House B&B



ChurchesOld churches, now houses

Ludlowville FallsLudlowville Falls

Ludlowville ParkLudlowville Park

HedgeJust a hedge I liked


Salmon CreekA view of Salmon Creek

Ludlowville Cemetary

Ludlowville Cemetary

The Brick BlockThe Brick Block


Ludlowville Union SchoolLudlowville Union School

Salmon Creek RoadSalmon Creek Road

Red BridgeRed Bridge

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