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A realm often overlooked, the incredible world of bees is at the Museum of the Earth's new special exhibit: "Bees! Diversity, Evolution and Conservation". Investigate bees' ancient origins, their immense diversity, and the ever-evolving drama between flowers and pollinators. The exhibit is up through June 1, 2020, at the Museum of the Earth.
Beyond the seven species of honeybees that people often think of first, there are over 20,000 bee species on planet Earth including solitary, social, and brood parasitic bees. The vast array of species include ground, wood, and stem-nesting bees, large bees (like the recently rediscovered Wallace's Giant Bee), tiny bees the size of a fruit fly, and strange and exotic species such as the vulture bees of Central America.
In this informative and interactive exhibit, get an up-close view of bee anatomy and behaviors while learning how different species nest, interact, and forage. Find out how humans depend on pollination for our most nutritious and flavorful foods, including those grown right here in Upstate New York! Explore high-resolution macro photography, fossil and modern bee specimens, videos, interactives, and engaging activities for younger visitors. Become an advocate for bees and discover how they impact our world – and how you can help protect them.
Bryan Danforth, Chair and Professor of the Department of Entomology at Cornell University and author of the book, The Solitary Bees: Biology, Evolution, Conservation, collaborated with the staff of the Museum of the Earth to develop and design this unique exhibit. The exhibit was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and the Tompkins County Tourism Program.